Current and past months calculation
Hi, I need some input in order to create a formula that gives a different number according to the date it is referring to and according to the current date. More specifically, I would want a formula that is able to tell me how many months ago a date was. See example below: Thanks a lot in advance. Margherita
NOT "Complete" or "Not Applicable"
Hi, How would this be written to say NOT COMPLETE or Not Applicable? =IF(AND([End Date]8 < TODAY(), NOT(Status8 = "Complete","Not Applicable"), 1, 0)
Equivalent to Excel's =XLOOKUP?
Greetings! Very, very very new to Smartsheet. Trying to evaluate whether it can replace a Sharepoint Excel tracker I use at my current company. Basically, we have ~10 (give or take a few) people working on the tracker at any given time, updating it in real-time to log incoming shipments and their details. I have an XLOOKUP…
SUMIFS to show daily hours worked
I have a report that is emailed daily that I upload into SS using Data Shuttle. I added Date Column and ID so it always add the row. It looks like this: Now I need to create a formula that link these hours to our metric sheet so we can track their productivity. This is the last piece of the metric. For each row, I have the…
Extrat server address Email
Hello, I cannot extract the server address from an email address. Can you help me ? Ex : xxxx.xxxx@grdf-txt.com I want to extract "grdf-txt" My formula : =UPPER(MID(LEFT(Email@row; FIND("."; Email@row) - 1); FIND("@"; Email@row) + 1; LEN(Email@row))) This formula works but only for the following format xxxxxx@grdf-txt.com…
Formula Assitance
Good Day Smartsheet Community. I am looking for assistance on a basic formula which i i can do in excel but cant seem to come right in Smartsheet. I want a column to return a value/number but remove the remaining value/numbers. The column is called Deal Qty and has a value of 240+24 but all i want in the next column is the…
Formula based on a date that changes the status
Hi, I am working on a formula that would change the status once a date has been inputted into the sheet per the attached screenshot. Thanks in advance.
Check Box with multiple criteria
Hello - I am trying to get a checked box: If Column A value = Column B value, check box. However, I am also getting checked boxes when A and B are both blank which should not happen. Current formula is: =IF(AND([TRACcess Serial Number as Per TRACcess Manager]@row = [TRACcess Serial Number As Reported by Tech]@row), 1, 0)…
Multiple IF Statements
hello, I have this formula that works great: =IF(Status@row = "Complete", 1). I change the "Status" to complete and the "Done" column box is checked. However, when I change the Status to "Abandoned" or "Reassigned" I also want the "Done" column box checked "Complete." How do I do multiple IF functions? The "Nesting IF…
Hi, I need some kind of IF/INDEX/COLLECT formula but the level of complexity have left me lost. What I'm trying to do is return a fee based on the country/currency matching, as well as name, course and format. I can happily create an INDEX/COLLECT to match the Instructor Name, Course, Format and Country/Currency to return…