calculating duration in hours
I've looked at all of the formulas I've been able to find here and have not been able to get any of them to work. I'm starting with this: I've split date and time from the created and modified date timestamps (mm/dd/yy hh:mm am/pm) into date and time because I couldn't make it work w/o splitting and it's not working now…
Need help with a formula: Need to look up only 2023 projects labeled as that in the Year Project Started/Approved in the Master Summary sheet. The formula below counts everything. Thoughts? =COUNTIFS({Project Status}, $Label@row, {Master Summary Sheet ITS PMO | Division}, [Category 1]$1)
How do I count for something that has not already been used in a cell from a multi cell dropdown?
Hi all, I need help! From this list of machines, I would like to know which machines are available on a particular day.. I have a date column on my sheet. How would I solve this? Much appreciated!! Thank you!
Formula Help: Priority symbol based on numerical value
I am trying to prioritize stakeholders based on a numerical value (5 & 6 = High, 2-4 = Medium, 0 & 1 = Low). Why is the below formula returning as unparseable? =IF(Total@row < "2", "Low"), IF([total]@row > "4", "High"), IF(AND([total]@row = "2", [total]@row = "3", [total]@row = "4"), "Medium")
Adding a date range to COUNTIFS
Hello, I need to add a date range to a rollup I created for tracking sales meetings: =COUNTIFS({source sheet customer name}, $[Primary Column]@row, {source sheet dropdown result}, [In Person Meeting]$1) The above works, but is obviously counting the whole sheet, which includes 2 years of data. I tried: =COUNTIFS({source…
Count if singular date falls between a list of date ranges
Hi community, I want to check if a singular date falls between any of a list of different date ranges from another sheet. E.g. If 01/08/23 is found in any of a list of start / finish date ranges, I want to flag or count. Any suggestions?
I want my formula to count the blank cells in another sheet and also by a particular status
=COUNTIF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK({My sheet - Unit}),{My sheet - Status}, "New Request")))
Using CountIFS and DISTINCT formula
I am trying the below formulas: =COUNTIFS(DISTINCT({Customer Name}, {Sales Rep}, Ecosystem@row, {ERP}, "Oracle Cloud")) =COUNTIFS(DISTINCT({Customer Name}, {Sales Rep}, Ecosystem@row, {ERP} ="Oracle Cloud")) Error message is: #Incorrect Argument I am trying to COUNT the customer names IF the sales rep on the reference…
Percentage complete with multiple criteria for children
I have child rows with a drop-down that have the following options in the "Status" column: Complete, Not Started, In Progress, Blocked, N/A. In the "% Complete" column, I currently have a working formula that updates the percentage complete if a row is marked as "Complete". I need the formula to also update the "%…
I've been looking for a formula that will count rows (n) that contains a certain word in it. For example: below I have two different types of statements and I need the formula to count all cells that contain the word "Primary" for a n=15 Primary Recipient = 10 Primary Recipient with Subs = 5