SUMIFS With Multiple Criteria
I have the correct formula to sum Est. Revenue $ with a Status of WON and a Project Year (Start) of 2023. =SUMIFS([Est. Revenue $]:[Est. Revenue $], Status:Status, ="WON", [Project Year (START)]:[Project Year (START)], =2023) I want to add another criteria for Labor Type with No Labor but I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE error.…
TODAY() Function not working?
I've had formulas calculating the number of Salvage appointments that were added to our sheet on today's date and yesterday's date for over a week now with no issue. This morning I was notified that the numbers are incorrect. I am able to filter the grid and see that we did in fact have more than 8 salvage appointments…
COUNTIF with dollar ranges
I'm looking for a COUNTIF formula for certain dollar levels listed below. My range is "FY24 Range 6" greater than or equal to $1, but less than or equal to $500,000 greater than or equal to $500,001, but less than or equal to $1M greater than or equal to $1M, but less than or equal to $3M greater than or equal to $3M, but…
Dynamic column reference
I have a smartsheet setup to act as a daily tracker based on working day with statuses of the activity getting updated using a formula. The formula I am using currently is: IF(AND((ISBLANK([WD13]@row)), NOT(OR(SubStatus@row = "Completed", SubStatus@row = "Not scheduled to start yet"))), "Daily update pending",…
Hello. Im looking for a formula to count how many rows i have on items between specific dates
For example. I want to know how orders that I make on july, august, sept, etc. One row is one order. I take the date column for make the formula. Something like this =COUNTIFS(Fecha de Ingreso:Fecha de Ingreso, >=DATE(2023, 7, 1), <=DATE(2023,7,31)) but i think thats something wrong. Thanks for any help
Count of entries in the last 24 hours
Hello, I've got a sheet to record our queries as they come in and I'm looking for a formula to count the number of entries received in the last 24 hours as a running total I can monitor. At the minute I have set it up to count the queries received yesterday as per formula below but I'd be glad of some help how I can amend…
How to I change the Schedule Heath formula on the Project Plan from the PMO Template Set?
Hello, I am using the PMO Template Set from Smartsheet and am having trouble figuring out how to write a formula to change the Schedule Heath column to capture the following: If the Status is flipped to "Complete" =Green. If today is 5 days or fewer from the start date and until the end date OR the Status is flipped to…
Parent Flagging based on Child Rows
Hello, I'm working in a project planning trying to highlight if a specific row, or project, has any task as children that is at risk. Does any syntax support this function?
Issues with Auto-Update Dates
I have a project schedule with start and end dates listed for each phase of the project. (Phase 1: Start Date - 2/1/2023, End Date - 3/1/2023). I am experiencing issues with the year automatically updating in the date columns when a new year begins. I want the year in the date columns to automatically update to the current…
Hello, I want to create a formula that alerts me when a cell in a row is blank, without completing