How to incorporate an "is not checked" into a formula
Hi, This formula is working great until I try and add in the section in which I want to only include revenue if the "Multi-year contract" column is unchecked. Help! =SUMIFS([Contract Sales]:[Contract Sales], [Renewal Date]:[Renewal Date], >DATE(2024, 6, 29), [Renewal Date]:[Renewal Date], <DATE(2024, 10, 1), IF([Multi-year…
How do I create a formula to pull the year from a date from every row in a column?
Hello! I am very new to formulas, and I'm having a hard time figuring them out. I want to create an automatic function that will pull the year (and separately, the month) into a new cell, so that I can break down my sheet into year, and then month, with collapsible rows. Basically, I have a row titled "Date of Employee…
Index Match referencing a contact list to return a contact.
Hello, I have a project intake take, and I want it to generate a Platform Manager based on the platform that is entered. The sheet I'm referencing has a list of platforms with the corresponding contact next to it. Intake sheet: Platform, Platform Manager (contact field) Reference Sheet: Platform, Platform Manager (contact…
Formula to change cell based on info from another sheet?
Hi @Paul Newcome, you offered to help find a solution to a problem that was discussed in another thread if I started a new thread and tagged you... so here goes! (Thank you, by the way). I have a sheet that tracks progress through a workflow. One of the items I'd like to track is if a ID number appears on another sheet. If…
If OR and SUM formula
Hi, I created this formula but I'm not sure why I'm getting the error message "INVALID DATA TYPE" =IF(OR(Name@row = "AB", "CD"), [Number1]@row, SUM([Number2]@row:[Number5]@row))
VLOOKUP not pulling in correct data when duplicate names
Hello I have a line of business with three choices: deploy, consult, and managed services, each associated with all theaters. When someone submits a request through the intake form, they select one of these options, and the form populates the data into the Sub_Org column based on the chosen line of business, and theater.…
Seeking Assistance - Average Days Open, by Status, Month/Year
Hi All - I'm trying to calculate the average # of days for data set, where the Status is "X", and the M/Y = "Y". I'm good with "AverageIf" = label@row, but not sure how I can incorporate the date piece. Thanks in advance! Sharing some snapshots of the data, all columns (Total Days Open, Completion Status, Leave Blank...)…
Track hours for a specific task in a specific month
Hi everyone, So I am trying to track the hours I spend doing task called e.g. "Test 1" in a given month. I have a separate spreadsheet with Dates (Month, day, year), Duration (in Hours) and column for Category (where I have "Test 1"). Could you help me with a formula to track this? Thank you!
Counting various statuses
Hi! I want to be able to count how many of my various tasks in my sheet have each status, such as "In Progress," "Not Started," "On Hold, "Complete." I've tried some COUNTIF options and each time get unparseable. Would love some formula help!
If, Index & Collect Formula issues
I have an issue with my current If, Index, and Collect formula. I have two sheets. One for data collection, and another for the Reviewer's Agency, Schedule, and Email address. I want to automate this process where if I have a TFD C shift, the Reviewers email address will be added into the data collection sheet. Here's my…