Perfect Match
Hi all, I am trying to figure out a way on how to match mentors with mentee. I have a survey that i send out to gather the info with a series of questions regarding skills that you can teach(Mentor) and skills that you want to learn (Mentee). How do i match a mentor with a mentee that have mutual interests (teaching and…
Chart Representing Percentages of Completion Status
Hello all! I am very new to Smartsheet and have been loving the different usages of the platform thus far. I'd very much appreciate this community's help in continuing to learn, as I've been stumped by how to exactly bring a certain idea that I have into fruition. I am currently developing a new way of conducting my…
Sum a column referenced from one sheet into another.
Hi, I'm new to smartsheets. Is there a way to calculate the sum of values in a column on one sheet and show the total on another sheet? Thank you, Chris
Report - % complete by color
I am trying to create a report that will sum all number of items that are assigned to a color (red/yellow/green) under each parent row in Index ID column but when I create the report it is not allowing anything related to the colors. Wondering if I need to assign a number or a hidden column to define what each color…
Join collect order
Hmmm, not finding this and my experiements are not helping. I have a join collect that returns the full set of data as expected, but it needs to be sorted in a particular order. Thought it might be based on PRIMARY, but that's not it. Thought it might be an alphabetical return, that's not it either. Thought it might be…
Auto Add a Number After Auto Numbering
I have a master sheet which captures data and assigns an auto-number (Incident Number). When a row falls into a certain category (Warranty), it gets copied to a new sheet. I want to be able to take that unique Incident Number and add to it. This is what I have so far: It puts a prefix onto the Incident Number, but I also…
Need help editing "Status" formula so it doesn't automatically change to "In Progress"
Hi, Hoping to get advice on how to edit the below formula. When the "Start" date becomes the current calendar date, the "Status" changes to "In Progress" even though the % Complete is still blank. I'd expect the status to remain "Not Started" (if the % Complete is blank or zero), and change to "Overdue" when the "Finish…
Multiple Criteria for Countif
Hi, I am trying to set a criteria, which picks information from two seperate columns in the same sheet, Countif {NCR Owner} = "X" and {Source} = "X" Thank you
How can I count dates within 90 days?
I want to count how many people are within 90 days of their expiration date if the data is combined across columns from "Exp Date: Pacer" to column "New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger"? The original formula I tried is the following: =COUNTIFS([Exp Date: Pacer]@row:[New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger]@row, ">" & TODAY(), [Exp Date:…
Assistance Needed - Summing Values Based on Multi-Select Column
Dear Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am seeking your assistance in summing values on the TAT column based on the selections made in the Solution Area column. As you can observe from the attached image, the Solution Area is a multi-select column. My objective is to calculate the sum of values wherever my…