Import/Export Tags between Smartsheet and Excel
Please make SmartSheet tags cross-transferable between Excel and Smartsheet. It would be amazing if Smartsheet recognized a comma-separated list (or some other delimiter) in Excel as a cell with multiple values. Inversely, it would be amazing to be able to TEXTJOIN a string of values in Excel and import that string into a…
Remove all conditional formatting options
It would be nice to have the option to select all/some conditional formatting that need to be removed. Some sheets have many and even though they can be disabled, they need to be removed for structural changes.
Remove all Workflows options
It would be great to provide an option to remove all workflows on a given sheet instead of having to click through each workflow. Alternatively, when a workflow is deactivated, the admin will be allowed to delete columns even though there is a deactivated workflow in place. The pop up should stay but an admin or owner…
Download Comments from Proofs
There should be a way to export the comments and annotations from Proofs to a PDF format to send outside of the platform.
Forms to accept just attachments
We've created forms to accept Excel files from our customers. The problem is the form will not accept an attachment with just the Attachment field on the form. We have to add a random field just to get the form to accept an attachment.
Workspace Cell References
It would be useful if you could create / manage a table of workspace cell references. For example, I have a base sheet that then is referenced by many break-out sheets within the workspace using external cell references. For something like "Site ID" in the main sheet, setting up a consistent workspace cell reference of…
Sync Work Status between RM & Smartsheet
Sync Work Status between RM & Smartsheet. Self explanatory. This should be a no brainer.
Add a widget to add requests to dashboard
I need an option to add a simple widget that shows a list of active requests.
Message collaborators with a direct link from a dashboard
How I can send a message to collaborators with a direct link from a dashboard. That was available before but it looks like we do not have that option anymore. Thank you
Merged: View a map/tree, Search, and export all or individual workflow automations.
This discussion has been merged.