Add new_row including values for a multi-select dropdown via Python SDK
I've tried different thing but I still get the same error. When I try the following code: multival = smart.models.MultiPicklistObjectValue() multival.values = value new_cell.strict = True new_cell.object_value = multival new_row.cells.append(new_cell) The column submission looks like: "{"columnId": 7199257397618564,…
Report Row Sorting
I am trying to use reports to reduce the amount of columns and rows I need to handle via the API. Along with this, I would like to have the report also sort the rows, but it seems that when using the API make a Get Report request, the row numbers in the JSON response do not line up with the associated reports row numbers.…
*NEW: Proofing using Reports
The new Proofing capability is something we would like to implement in our department, but we are having issues with accessing this in Reports. We see that Proofing can be done in the main smart sheet, but our Artists access new design requests via Reports so that they only see what tasks and designs are assigned to them.…
Search rows API after create rows API from Power Automate/Flow returns incorrect row object ID's
I'm attempting to have a flow in Microsoft Power Automate/Flow create rows in a Smartsheet sheet and update a field once an approval outcome is present. The first part works with no problem - rows are created with a value in one column to help identify (e.g., SR001) - but after they're created, querying the sheet for all…
Is there anyway to autonomously get a sheet's forms?
Hello, I've been working with the Smartsheet API to automate many different things but does anyone know if there is a way to autonomously get the forms that exist in a sheet? I need to dynamically grab the link to a specific form for many sheets in an ongoing project. Thanks!
Update linkInFromCell via API results in error 4000
Hi, i'm requesting the API via axios.js with PUT https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/{sheetId}/rows to update two cells of one row with the following data body: { "id": 1234 "cells": [ { "columnId": 1234, "value": null, "linkInFromCell": { "sheetId": 1234, "columnId": 1234, "rowId": 1234 }, { "columnId": 1234, "value":…
Why do some reports/sheets return 1006 "Not Found" when trying to access?
I am making the simple "sheets/[sheet id]" and "reports/[report id]" calls and some of them return 1006 "not found". I have access to these sheets/reports from the Smartsheet UI, and obtain the ID through properties as before. There does not seem to be any pattern to the ones which return 1006. Even the ones I do manage to…
Error code 5570 when sending e-mail notification
I have a trial account with Smartsheet. I am using smartsheet API with curl to create/update few sheets. The requirement is to email these sheets at EOD to a couple of users. However, receiving error code 5570, 'you have exceeded maximum number of e-mails that your account can send'. The limitations document states that…
Getting 204 with Smartsheets put request on Postman but 400 in .NET Core Web API
I am testing the same data in postman verses a .NET Core Web API project, however, one returns fine when content is being updated and another (.NET Core) returns 400. Any ideas on why this may be? It's the same data structures, and even same data.