Adding Multiple Criteria to a COLLECT Function
I have a working formula gathering the MEDIAN of a group of numbers that fall within a date range used in a trend chart in a dashboard. I now want to add two additional criteria for cases when the dashboard user would like to calculate the MEDIAN but exclude certain values (referred to as 'HOLD' and 'Strategic' data) from…
What is the function of number one at the end of this formula?
=INDEX(COLLECT({Column to return}, {Column 1 with value to match}, "Value 1", {Column 2 with value to match}, "Value 2"), 1) Thank you!
Formula for "Due date = 3 business days before Deploy date?"
Hi, I would like to build a formula with the following logic: "Due Date = 3 BUSINESS DAYS prior to Deploy Date." Building a "3 DAYS prior formula is simple enough, but I'm wondering if anyone has solved for logic that can only offer a day that's Monday thru Friday. I appreciate any advice! -Adam
COUNTIF in an IF formula
I am trying to see when a segment is fully completed. Our segments can be broken out into subsegments, and they can have up to 5 subsegments, indicated by the segment number followed by a "—1", "—2", and so on. So far for this formula I've gotten it to count how many subsegments there are, but can't get the final push of…
Index Match with multiple Parent/Child rows in a sheet.
Hello all, I'm looking for some advice on a tiered IF statement using index/match and CHILDREN formulas. My case: I receive numerical data from another metric sheet that copies it snapshots into this archive once a month. There may be times where we need to edit the historical data. To ensure the % columns are updated I…
Formula to Count Ages of Orders
I'm trying to create a formula that counts the open orders based on the date the order was created. The thing complicating the formula is that it's for a metrics dashboard, so I need it to count the orders that are between 1-3 months old, 3-6 months old, 6-9 months old, 9-12 months old and over a year. I'm at a complete…
Workday formula doesn't calculate correctly when value is "0"
Hello All, Having difficulty getting my formula to work properly when a column's value is "0". If the value is >0 it works fine. The formula is supposed to follow the WORKDAY variable and exclude weekends, which it does unless the value in the [Days to add] column is 0 at which point it seems to ignore the workday rule.…
Formulas always there
I have a sheet where people submit new items via a form. When this is done, my sheet includes three columns of set formulas. These columns are not on the form. For some reason they stopped working. What should happen: a new item is submitted, these three columns are included and automatically calculate what I need What is…
Index formula referencing a metadata sheet, how flexible is the naming convention for the range?
I have several different sheets referencing the same metadata sheet. Should all of my different sheet formulas use the same naming convention for the range? Or can they reference the same range but with a different naming convention with in the different sheets? I hope this makes sense. I have a couple of different people…
Mid/Find Formula Help
I have this indexed @row info to a column named "AR" (Format will always be like this and no middle name). I need to split First two words to column named "Name", Split email to column named "Email" and split phone number to column named "Phone". FirstName LastName Email@email.net 888-888-8888 Split to 3 columns: "Name":…