Calculate days between two dates if the date is greater than 01/01/2024
Hello, I am trying to grab the number of dates between two dates if the manufacture date is greater than 01/01/24. This is the formula I am using and it is not working. =IF([Manufacture Date]@row, >DATE(2024, 1, 1), [Paperwork/HPLC]@row - [Manufacture Date]@row, 0)
trying to use countifs with multiple criteria's and a multiple selection drop down list
i've tried countif, countifs, count/collect. has, contains, i either don't get the correct value, or different errors such as incorrect argument, unparsable, ect. The formula that is shown comes back with a value of 0, when on the reference sheet it should be 1 for this column, during this month, for this employee. The…
Auto populate an email address from a Drop down list choice
I have a drop down list of Doctors names that staff pick from on a form (over 90 doctors). It will just be 1 name that is chosen from the list. I need the doctor's email address to populate in the sheet (not on the form) in the cell next to the name. I have a separate sheet with the doctor's names and email addresses. I…
Formula Help to bring data from two cells into one
I am trying to pull data from two cells into one. I think I almost have it but I keep getting an unparseable error. =IF([Person Responsible]@row <>, ""[Person Responsible]@row"", IF([Course Facilitator]@row <> "", [Course Facilitator]@row, "")) Thanks for the help!
NETWORKDAY error using cross-sheet reference
I would appreciate help figuring out this error please. I'm trying to determine the number of working days from the start of the project to when it went live (Hypercare). The calculation is in the Metadata and references the Enable Service date field in the project plan. It returns #UNPARSABLE error. # days to Hypercare is…
Hi everyone, is there a way to create Dynamic view on a dashboard but with charts and metrics?
I am making a supplier-facing dashboard and I would like to make a dashboard that displays personalized data, similar to this video. Instead of a Month dropbox it would display supplier names and the data would ideally display specific or personalized info.
Why do I get #invalid value?
Hi everyone! I am using this formula in the Date column to pull a date if 2 criteria are met (name of the client and the specific module): =INDEX({Date}, MATCH([Column11]3, {Client}, 0), MATCH([Column4]@row, {Module}, 0)) It works in the "Module 1" row, but not below, any idea why? Thanks!
Merging several form questions into one column
Hi! I have created a form but am having some issues with how fields from the form are collected and reported to employees. The form is a sign-in for sessions. Attendees select their presenter from several lists (e.g. A - C, D - F). These presenter fields are set up as Contact Lists and linked to our users, and each form…
COUNTIFS function with multiple criteria
Hello! I've been having trouble with getting this formula correct. Here are the details. I want to count row A when "service expansion" is present only if row B has "qualifying" or "proposal" or "Negotiation" listed. I've tried several variations but can't seem to get this one!
Formula to list all projects that asked for additional funding and count number of times
All, I want to do the following, if it is possible, for metrics that I need to include on my Smartsheet dashboard. I have tried variations of =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT without success. Here is what I want to do: In a metrics sheet, I want to go to my "2023 IAP Tracker ELT Approvals" sheet, then automatically list all of the…