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Comments - Keep important ones on top
Hello, Are we able to lock comments on rows or sheets do that they stay to the top?
Transferring ownership of Workspace easily?
Is there a way to transfer ownership of a workspace without having to remove the current owner from the workspace? They still need to own specific sheets, and edit others in the workspace, but do not need to own and administer the workspace anymore.
Update request comments
Update requests are great, however none of the comments get stored within Smartsheet but only get sent as a part of an email. This way discussions get lost that should remain part of the row it is about. Copying and pasting these discussions is just double work. Can we please get away to ad them to tow discussions?
Dashboard - Gantt Show Only Today Forward
Anyone know how to make dashboard widget of a gantt chart only show today and forward? It displays correctly in the Report Builder as there is an option in Settings > Timeline Display to check the box "Open to today's date". Can't figure out why it won't do this in Dashboard widget. You can scroll to today and it prints…
Help with Formula!
Hello, I'm pretty new to smartsheet but slowly working out how to create some functioning formulas! I wonder if anybody might be able to help me with the latest one please? I have multiple columns containing different data types (some are tick boxes, others are dates and some will say 'N/A' - I am trying to write a formula…
Notifications using Summary Sheet
If I create an automation workflow to notify all contacts on a sheet, will those listed in the sheet summary be included?
cell.format currency settings
I'm able to successfully format a cell through the API and the compact format string, cell.format (https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#formatting,) except for cells with currency formats. I would like to see an example of the cell.format that works for submitting 123456 as the value/display value and a…
Creating Alert to Notify Users Once Agreement Signed
Hello, I am trying to create an alert that would notify users once an agreement has been signed. I have watched some Smartsheet videos but I'm still a bit confused on how to create one. Why might the “Automation” button not appear near to “File” button even though I am the Smartsheet owner? See the attachment.
Ultipro to Smartsheet
I'm pretty new to Smartsheet and trying to figure out a new workflow. Currently all new job postings and job applications are captured in Ultipro. There is currently no integration between Ultipro and Smartsheet, what would my options be to move candidate data from Ultipro to Smartsheet so I can start building a candidate…