If Smartsheet, Inc. goes away, clients lose all data?
The following was said at the office this week. I know what my response is. On the surface, I know Smartsheet offers sheet backups. Also looking at the Smartsheet Trust Center page and Microsoft Trust Center at the similarities...but wanted to open this up for objective discussion: “SmartSheet is not ours, that data does…
Zapier sends string, but Smartsheet processes as an integer
We use a unique number sequence by combining two integers for each row sent to Smartsheet. I worked with Zapier to verify that the integers are sent to Smartsheet as a string, not a number. What I am seeing is if the string is not long enough, Smartsheet converts the information to a number and our formulas do not…
Export Web Form
Hello. I am trying to use SmartSheet as a relacement for an audit form. There about 90 questions on the audit that would be answered with a selection of A, B, or C. Ideally, those would be checkboxes, but the sheet does not allow duplicate names in the columns. I would like to be able to pull a clear report from the data…
Linking to a Smartsheet functions
I've seen posts that contain links that create an action, such as "click here and a copy of that sheet will appear in your instance of Smartsheet" I cant find the OP, and cant recall if she was staff perhaps, but the link worked. Is it possible then for me to create links to actions, for instance a link from that would…
Exporting/Backing up Smartsheets with Attachments that are Linked to the Rows they were Attached to
Hi, When I do backup of my Smartsheets, all of my files that were attached to any rows are saved to a separate folder. That's fine, but my problem is, I don't know which rows those files were attached to. I need to find a way of linking files to the original rows that the files were attached to. Is there a way to backup my…
Can you download with the changes highlighted?
HI, New user to Smartsheet and I wonder if it's possible to download an excel copy of a document with highlighted changes? I know how to use the highlight feature, but it would be really useful to be able to have these on the export copy. Is it possible? Thank you!
Enhancement Request: Allow Excel import without formatting
I would like to be able to import an Excel file without formatting. Use Case: I have a customer using an (older?) ERP. The ERP can export to Excel. After row 99 of data, the Excel file changes format. They probably thought that was a feature. I'd like to import the Excel file to Smartsheet without formatting to avoid extra…
Critical Path
Hello everybody, I'm new to smartsheet, however I've already set up my first Gantt Chart. Now my problem is that when I'm on the online page I've a certain kind of critical path, while when I download it (in any format) I see just part of it. The child events are all expanded. Thank you in advance
Need help to upload new data from Excel to existing sheet
I have an Excel sheet that I pull data into from another system and then run a macro to organize it the same everytime. Is there a way to simply upload that new data over an existing sheet so I can use the new data to refresh/update a dashboard connected to that existing sheet?
Hyperlinks Are Lost When a Sheet is Exported
When I export any of my smartsheets where there is a hyperlink connected to text within a cell, the link is lost. It doesn't matter if it's an excel sheet, google sheet, or PDF, the links are lost and have to be reconnected from scratch. Is there a work around for this?