Inventory and Barcodes
Hey there! I have a question regarding inventory management and barcode scanning. Currently I have a sheet called "inventory tracker". We have various different lab supplies that need are deployed depending on the need. Currently, we are manually counting how many supplies we take out and whatever is not used, we count and…
How do I set up an inventory management system in Smartsheet?
Hello, I'm looking for help setting up an inventory management system in Smartsheet. We have a set number of chairs, tables, linens, projectors, etc. that various departments at my organization use each day. I'm looking to create a system where they can input their daily needs, and it will show how many of each item is…
Alerts when X ammounts of items arrive for project X
Backround: I work with custom computers, its only me myself and i in my department so i am looking to automate as much as possible. I have a sheet where i enter every part that arrives and which Project number it belongs to, what Serial number the part has and the parts EAN code. Goal: I would love if i could set up a…
How do I track our mushroom inventory?
I have created multiple sheets that are inputted through forms for the team to update. The team updates the inventory based on the tent, mushroom type harvested and how many pounds. We need an up to date tracking of the inventory of each type of mushroom. At minimum I need to figure this out. Advanced would be to be able…
If(Contains) issue
I am trying to look at a column on one sheet and if it contains a certain value or multiple of the values that I am searching for, return a sum of value(s) from one or more specific cells that are contained in a separate sheet, otherwise return as 0 or as if nothing has happened. This is the formula I have come up with but…
Help with Supply Inventory & Checkout Tracker
I made an inventory tracker to keep track of our supplies, and on a separate sheet I made a tracker for requests to check-out supplies and a form for this. I want people to be able to select multiple items on the form. The issue I am running into is that I had created a formula to pull the number we have “In Stock” from…
Inventory Request Tracking
Hello, I am trying to set up an inventory request system. I seem to only be able to find templates for request trackers and inventory trackers, not a way to link the two. How can I create an inventory list and then a form where users can request use of items in the inventory and I can track when items are checked in/out…
Inventory Management with Dynamic feature for Reagent Depletion from Assays Performed
I currently work in a lab that is looking to up their game on inventory management. We have an inventory smartsheet that gets updated after technicians manually check inventory in lab and update the sheet. Naturally, reagents get missed and our smartsheet becomes inaccurate very quickly. I'm trying to figure out a way to…
trying to create a check out sheet to add inventory quantity to inventory sheet
im looking into trying to make a checkout sheet that hold serial numebrs of products to an inventory sheet and to add those serial numbers, also to locate duplicates and delete the duplicates serial number found. this is the sheet we will be taking orders and using row serial number to either add or subtract from our…
QR scan from Form
Can you make your camera pop up to scan a QR when you click in the Item box on this form? Trying to make this easy for customers to scan out inventory Onces scanned out it will go over to the smartsheet and send a notification.