Hello, what im trying to accomplice is when selecting a item in the drop down menu "equipment shipped" for example "logitech". i would like it to subtract a quantity of 1. example, we have 200 and in …
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an inventory spreadsheet that auto calculates the QTY in the warehouse by subtracting the amount received from the amount signed out. These columns are populated via …
Hello, I am currently working on setting up a Core Return Tracking workspace. We plan to track all of our parts in the system by adding them to a master sheet via a form. Once a part is sold, we want …
I am looking for a way to have our maintenance team be able to manage a stock inventory on specific machine parts. I would like for them to use their phones to scan on to either the QR or barcode and …
Hey there! I have a question regarding inventory management and barcode scanning. Currently I have a sheet called "inventory tracker". We have various different lab supplies that need are deployed dep…
Hello, I'm looking for help setting up an inventory management system in Smartsheet. We have a set number of chairs, tables, linens, projectors, etc. that various departments at my organization use ea…
Backround: I work with custom computers, its only me myself and i in my department so i am looking to automate as much as possible. I have a sheet where i enter every part that arrives and which Proje…
I have created multiple sheets that are inputted through forms for the team to update. The team updates the inventory based on the tent, mushroom type harvested and how many pounds. We need an up to d…
I am trying to look at a column on one sheet and if it contains a certain value or multiple of the values that I am searching for, return a sum of value(s) from one or more specific cells that are con…
I made an inventory tracker to keep track of our supplies, and on a separate sheet I made a tracker for requests to check-out supplies and a form for this. I want people to be able to select multiple …