COUNTIFS, HAS, and CONTAINS Formulas with Different Reference Sheets and Dropdowns!
Hi all! Looking for some expertise with COUNTIFS, HAS, and CONTAINS formulas when also using reference sheets with dropdowns. I have one reference sheet that my team is using to track employee's learning progress with class enrollments and completions. One of the columns is set up to be an Enrollment Status dropdown with…
How to Structure Formulas so if dropdown options change, it auto-updates?
I am trying to compile metrics and get them to auto-update to reflect the values of a drop down. For instance, if the drop down has options like "Physical Exam", "Digital Exam", "Advanced", I'm building columns in my metrics sheet to tabulate the totals for each using countif statements (for each respective month). E.g.:…
Contact List and Drop down List values can be referred using a reference from a different sheet
For Contact List and Drop-down list columns currently the values need to be added and updated individually in all columns and sheets eventhough the values are common for many columns and sheets. If we have a provision to have the values referred using a reference from a different sheet, then we can add or update the values…
summing a number column if a certain selection is matched in a multiselect column
I have an Expense Intake sheet that has a multiselect column "Ships" where any number of ships can be selected; "Ship 1", "Ship 2", "Ship 3" etc. I also have a "Cost Per Ship" column on that sheet and a Month Column on that sheet On my budget set up sheet I am trying to figure out how much was expensed to Ship 1 in…
Multi-select Dropdown and multiple values
Hi community! Looking for some guidance please! :) I need a column capturing the number of specific job roles associated with project. e.g. Job Roles ---- Product Manager Delivery Manager Software Engineer Software Engineer Tester Tester I don't think this can be done via a multi-select dropdown with multiples of the same…
Why is sheet adding rows from dropdown list?
Hi, My sheet is adding in new rows based on my list of dropdown selections. I added in some suppliers in a column which we may use in the future but currently do not have rows in my sheet. However, the sheet is bringing them in as new rows with that supplier name even though I am not asking it to do anything. Do you know…
Need another set of eyes on SUMIFS formula in Sheet Summary
Hi and Happy New Year, Hope all is going well for you. In the Project Intake Sheet, I'm using the Sheet Summary to calculate metrics for reporting. On this particular formula, I keep getting #UNPARSABLE. I haven't been able to figure it out all day. Appreciate any input you may have! Goal: To sum the values in the ARR…
Percent formula for drop down fields
I have a column with the following options for drop down fields: NA, Not Started, Required, Drafted, Posted What formula can I use to show me % complete (posted) without taking into account the NAs?
Standardize Searchable Dropdowns
Whenever a dropdown is set to allow for multiple values in the field, all values are "searchable" so that you can type in any portion of the selection and it'll limit what you can see to where that string is available somewhere in the values. Whenever a dropdown is set to require only a single value, the "searchable"…
How to do lookup for multi select dropdown cell to return results for all selected items in cell?
Hi I'm trying to do a lookup or index/match or whatever that can search all values in a dropdown list cell with multiple values and return multiple values. Sheet 1 screenshot (yellow highlight is where I want formula to be): Sheet 2 screenshot (contains table of lookup values): I'm trying formula from this question from…