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Control Center & Multi-select dropdown


Hello. I'm looking for some feedback on a control center process we've built. We have an intake sheet with standard and optional department assets depending on intake data. To mark which assets we need to create, we have multiple columns with multi-select dropdowns for each asset by department name. What my goal was to have the user select all the assets by each department to be created. Once they hit save, Control Center would use a blueprint built for each asset under each department to generate the asset. Once created, it would put it in a predetermined workspace.

The issue I'm coming up with is, in Control Center, under the Intake Settings in the "Project Approval Column" and then sub cell, "Approval Value." It doesn't recognize the the source sheet column as a multi-select column vs just a single select dropdown. Since it doesn't recognize it, it won't provision the request, (Manually or with automation in CC).

I could create separate columns for each Asset to be created by each department and then the system could work but that's a lot of upfront work. I wasn't anticipating Control Center not recognizing a multi-select column for the "Approval value." Has anyone found workarounds for this?

Thank you - Michael

Michael Halvey

"Strive for Progress, not Perfection."

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @MHalvey Are you saying each Asset is a separate blueprint and you'd have each one be auto triggered/provisioned if that Asset is listed?

    IF so…. I would have a separate checkbox column per asset, hide it and that would be the provision auto trigger. That checkbox would just have a if formula that said

    =if(contains("Asset 1",[Department 1]@row:[Department 4]@row),1,0)

    Matt Lynn


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @MHalvey Are you saying each Asset is a separate blueprint and you'd have each one be auto triggered/provisioned if that Asset is listed?

    IF so…. I would have a separate checkbox column per asset, hide it and that would be the provision auto trigger. That checkbox would just have a if formula that said

    =if(contains("Asset 1",[Department 1]@row:[Department 4]@row),1,0)

    Matt Lynn

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Matt Lynn-PCG - You are correct. I actually ended up doing exactly what you said. I did however make the CC trigger checkboxes in a separate sub-sheet from the main sheet using DataMesh. That way I kept the column count down, all assets still in a mult-select dropdown on the main sheet with DataMesh updating the sub-sheet with the checkboxes. Frontend users won't notice anything different so that works for me.

    Thanks again for the response and idea discussions. - Michael

    Michael Halvey

    "Strive for Progress, not Perfection."

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