Does WorkApps on SmartSheet integrate with PowerBI? I'm trying to take information from a sheet managed by another department that they shared with me that's on WorkApps, but when I go to "Get Data → …
Would it be possible to view the PDF's uploaded onto the Latest Comments Row? So far, when the data is exported into Power Bi, any PDF's attachement aren't viewable, as the URL for the attachments doe…
In Power Apps, there looks to be a perisistent issue with connecting to SmartSheets and creating a form. This sadly means the Power Bi reports I have created cannot have Power App intergration, which …
There is a need for Power BI to connect to Datatables in Smartsheet. Currently, Power BI only connects to Grids and Reports. In order for data from a Datatable to be accessed, a workaround must be use…
Context/Scenario: The current Power BI connector allows Smartsheet data to be surfaced in Power BI. To get Power BI data into Smartsheet, a user would need to export the data to Excel and then use Dat…
I have our exit interview metrics built in Power BI from a form/sheet in Smartsheet! LOVE it, working great until I added 2 columns that I do not want in Power BI, not sure how to do this. I have trie…
Hi everyone, I am currently trying to connect Smartsheets to Tableau to create live dashboards using sheets from Smartsheet that I can share across my organization. I have explored the WDC method to s…
I use Power BI with my commercial account of Smartsheet. Can it also work/connect to the platform? I saw another post on this but it was almost 5 years old, so asking again. Thank you!