This works =COUNTIF(Priority:Priority, "P1") This works =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, "P1") + COUNTIF(Priority:Priority, "P2") This works =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, "P1") + COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Do…
Hello, I am trying to count the number of boxes that are checked in the "Missed Information" column and showcase the total in the bottom right corner of the Sheet. I have tried many different formulas…
For example: If the column is about colors, I want a formula to see how many people chose red or how many people chose green in the survey. And I want this formula to put into the summary field so tha…
We are working on a client project. We have 15-20 summary fields and we want to create 5-6 more. The problem is if we add exact names of 5-6 fields, it will take hours to finish it. What we want is to…
Workflow/automation based on sheet summary fields. One scenario - count of all cells, send a warning if the sheet is close to max. (Do not want helper column as that increases the count.)
Hi all! I was wondering, is it possible to populate an entire column based on the dropdown menu from another sheet? I have one sheet where all tasks are listed, and are assigned to people via a dropdo…
Good afternoon Community, I'm working on a new summary sheet and have a 2 part question I need help on…Some background: I have a sheet to track our recruiting efforts and am working on a Summary Sheet…
Not sure if this is possible - If there is a cell that has words and then a dollar amount, is there a formula that can be used to pull only the dollar amount into a report and then on the opposite sid…