Is it possible to create dashboard charts using Sheet Summaries?
I know Sheet Summaries can be used to create Metrics widgets, but when I try to create a chart, there is no option to select a Sheet Summary as a data source. I thought the whole point of the summaries was to eliminate the need to add formulas and metrics on the sheet itself (or to a separate report). Am I missing…
Merged: Export a report as shown with formatting in Smartseet
This discussion has been merged.
Why are my Blueprint Summaries blank?
Hi All, We recently started using Smartsheet CC. We had 5 blueprint summaries created and they're all working fine. I wanted to add a new column to one of my blueprint summaries, but when I went through the Blueprint Builder, the blueprint summary section now has blanks for sheet selections when just yesterday the 5…
SCC Fails to update links error
One issue we are having is automation from SCC at job creation to send specific information from a project to Intake sheet. Here is what logic we applied and the error we get, can you look and maybe advise a solution for us? On Intake Sheet, we have the fields “PS Start Date” and “PS End Date” that are set push from…
Index Match Formula help. Index Match of Health status of an activity into Sheet Summary
I have multiple sheets with the same columns (Health, Task Name, Start, Finish). Note that the Health column is a symbol (red, yellow, green, blue). In my summary sheet, I am using the following Index Match formula to search for Task A in Task Name column and spit out Health symbol. =INDEX(Health:Health, MATCH("Task A",…
Set-up: I have a data prep sheet that references a master sheet and some other sheets so it is easier to set up a dashboard. I have a list of departments in one column (Column5), and the count formula in the next column. The formula works when there is one department listed in the reference but not if there are multiple…
Formula Help Please - Sheet Summary
Hi everyone - I have a GIANT sheet I'm working with that contains our project portfolio. I need to add summary fields to capture Project Status (from a dop down field in a column) across 10 different Sponsor Divisions (also in a drop down field within a column). I can't seem to crack this one. Can someone help? I'm sure…
Display 2 dates in one sheet summary field
can I display both a start date column and end date column value in ONE sheet summary field IE start date column in sheet 11/7 end date column in sheet11/14 Sheet Summary field 11/7-11/14 Help please :)
Showing Sheet Summary Data in Another Sheet?
I am building SheetB to compare my budget by categories (data entered manually for now) against my actual expenses (entered in SheetA - totals for each category are part of my Sheet Summary data). Is there a way to reference those Sheet Summary totals in SheetB? Ideally, I will then be able to use SheetB to create charts…
CountIf Date formula compare different date columns
I have 3 date columns: Start Date, Draft Due Date, Final Due Date The date columns are all initially auto-set to the same date; professionals are to subsequently update the Draft and Final due dates to a later date. I would like to count the ones that never get updated, i.e. Draft Due Date = Start Date. By the filters…