Creating a survey & collecting feedback for a list of submissions
I've created an intake form and sheet to collect project request submissions, and now need to create a way for the project committee (8 members) to score each submission using a simple 4 value Impact/Effort score that I'd like to present in a Survey Form so I can collect the data and consolidate for presentation on…
Nested IF Statement with OR and AND functions
Hello, I am trying to create a nested IF statement. The formula is fed by two columns Status and End Date. The formula should return that IF status is one of "Completed" or "Adoption/Sustain" AND the end date column has a date (any date) then return "Yes" if true. I keep getting Unparseable or Circular Reference errors.…
INDEX/Match Error?
Hello, I have the following Equation written out: =INDEX({Brand Manager}, MATCH([Brand Channel]@row, {Brand Channel}), 0) {Brand Manager} and {Brand Channel} are pulling from Sheet A. Brand Channel is a column that is in Sheet A and Sheet B. The equation is written in Sheet B. My expectation of the equation was to pull in…
How to aggregate sheet summary data into another sheet
Hello, I am currently working on developing a workspace to track system testing. The way the workspace is currently set up is having a summary level sheet that has each script, and then a folder per script. Within each script specific folder, there is a script summary sheet and a test script sheet. There can be multiple…
Why doesn't INDEX(MATCH) work as intended?
Hi, all: I've recently been assigned to work on a set of tools for my team that have been run in Smartsheet for some time, and am really struggling. Setup: 4 sheets, for 4 separate project-cycle teams. Each sheet needs to refer to the same core set of unique IDs entered in the primary column for Sheet 1. All sheets contain…
Keyboard shortcut to delete the selected row(s)?
Has this feature been added? Reviving an old thread from 2015 posted by Maxim Miller (see below) and I'd like to see if there's been an update: "I can't find how to delete the selected row using keyboard. I can only do that using mouse. It's very inconvenient - in MS Project I select entire row using shift+space and press…
Why is Resource Management Synchronization showing up on my activity log?
Hi all, I just noticed that my activity log is showing that Resource Management is syncing with an API, but I never set it up to do so nor do I even have access to RM. I noticed this on my other sheets as well. Can someone tell me how this is happening? Thanks! Brad
Duplicate data formula which references two values
Hello Community, I am trying to find duplicate invoice numbers for the same client within two of my sheets. I need to show if there have been any duplicate invoices for clients using two criteria but am unsure how to create the formula. I want this information to show in a checkbox form. =IF(COUNTIF([Invoice #]:[Invoice…
Sheet output without Column names
How can I print a sheet without the column names printing? I would also like to be able to export to an excel spreadsheet without the column names appearing in the spreadsheet. How can I do this?
Create a Link to A Filtered Sheet
Does anyone know of a way to link to a filtered sheet? I want to create a number of links on a dashboard which when clicked on will show the same smart sheet but with a different filter applied. e.g. I could have a link that says "Red items" and another that says "Blue Items" the interaction on the link would be to open…