Experienced this error today but regardless of the error, the data was saved. Please see attachment. The error condition was from approximately 10am ET until I quit my instance of SmartSheet at 11.55a…
I have setup a notification that successfully sends an email to anyone that has been assigned to a task. However, if I assign a task to myself, I don't receive an email. Is this not receiving an email…
When hovering over the discussions/comments bubble (see screenshot), would like to be able to see at least a portion of the comments (instead of the task name) without having to click through.
With the new automation architecture it looks like sometimes the exact hour can be chosen when an alert will be sent and other times, no. Alert type #1: For example, if an alert is sent a day before a…
Looking to prevent anyone from overwriting a column that has a formula. This is currently not possible, correct? Owners and admins can always overwrite a cell's formula? Thanks, AEG
Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. For years we had a great experience with our sales reps and recently we were assigned new reps that said we had to have a 33 1/3% price increase. At this…
Greetings: Is this possible in smartsheet? (I have searched through the list of functions, a video on the use of cells, and the community but have not located any info on this.) Would like a formula t…
Would like to see (at least optionally) the name of the spreadsheet automatically included in the subject line for update requests. Would help with email filtering. Regards, AEG