Hi, I have the data across multiple columns how do I have it all on the main parent level. I would like to build a report that includes it all but having issues since the data is in a different row. T…
Hi, I have a sheet and the level 1 parent is serial number then under it is a level 2 parent with specs such as year: Make: Model: Can I make a dashboard that reports all the text that is after the ye…
I have sheet that has many items on one that all have a similar process. If one is marked sold at any point (any child step) it will check all the sold for that particualr parent and children. This wi…
If Status on the parent is marked qualified it will fill all the tasks below for this section only qualified. Which will stop all the alerts. How do I make it so it only affects this drop down and now…
Hi I have a sheet that has a column called Task name it has a main task with 4 subtasks (child) below it. The sheet has a Task name, Status and due date column. If the 1st sub task due date is in the …
I have a list that has many parents in the sheet and below that are 4 children tasks. Each have a due date. Not all will need all 4 tasks. How do I have it so when then parent is marked complete it wi…
Hi, I have a sheet with hierarchy once one is marked delivered the row with the hierarchy under it moves to a purchased sheet. Once it is in the purchased sheet I would like it to copy rows that are b…
Hi, We have a sheet that has over 1000 rows. There is a column "Status" that has many options to choose from. Is it possible to have an automation that will go out once a day to me with all the status…
Hi, When a user marks a row as in progress and it is still in progress 4 hours later. Is it possible to have the manager notified 4 hours after it was marked in progress and if it is still marked in p…