Hello All, Is anyone aware of a way to export proofing comments and markup? Currently, I have to take screen shots of the file and the comments to compare with the previous version and use for archivi…
Hello, I have a tricky formula question. If I want to add a IFERROR to the following formula where would I go about inserting it? =(((IF(LEFT([End Time (HH:MM)]@row, FIND(":", [End Time (HH:MM)]@row) …
Hi, I am struggling to flag items as late. If Rounding Complete is not checked and the due date is greater then today I want to flag those items. =IF(AND([Rounding Complete]@row, "1", [Date Rounding S…
Hello, I am looking for some assistance with summing the total FTE hours per person assigned to a project. We use increments of .05 which is always rounded to 0 in the pivot app. I can't achieve this …
Hello My Fellow Smartsheet Gurus, Is it possible to run a formula based on the text inputted in the column next to it to pull all possible values? I am trying to accommodate multiple ways of finding m…
Hello My Fellow Smartsheet Gurus, Today I am in need of some advice. I have a rather larger sheet used to track requests. I have a separate sheet that allows user to type in the a lookup ID and it pul…
Hello, I am having issues with creating the correct formula that calculates the average of the children rows while hiding the divide by zero errors for columns that do not have any data. Could someone…
Hello, I am using Data uploader to import data from an excel sheet. It is critical that we pull in the date and time from the sheet. However, the time is not being pulled in - only the date. So i went…
Hello, Is it possible to extract a date/ time from an imported excel file? It is currently reported as a string 2020112717161730. Thanks in advance for the assist!
Hello, I am trying to populate a Pass/Fail Column based of the answers in a pervious column. I am using IF formula, =IF([1. Pass Meds]@row = "Yes", "Pass", "Fail") but not sure how I should add in if …