One of my most frequent uses of Smartsheet is as an editorial calendar for a weekly newsletter. I create a new sheet for every month of the year. Exiting a sheet and creating a report is not too much …
It would be nice if, on occasion, Smartsheet Engage took place on the East Coast, or better yet, somewhere in the Midwest(Illinois, Indiana or Ohio perhaps).
I am trying to calculate mileage based on two numbers. $.655 for 500 miles or less and $.3275 for 501 miles or more. =IF([Total Mileage]@row <=500, [Total Mileage]*0.655, IF([Total Mileage]@row [Total…
I really like that I can see who has visited the portal page that I created for my team. I would like it even more if the analytics tool also allowed me to see which links on the portal page were clic…