Re: Celebrating the women of Smartsheet Community
Hey hey! I'm loving this thread, and all the awesome women in the Member Sport Light! As you mentioned, this year, I asked our Costa Rica employees to nominate the “Super Women at Smartsheet” the res…6 · -
Re: What’s Your High Score? Let’s See How Many Words You Can Make!
I could not resist the challenge! Here is my word: Testimony 261 · -
Re: Return All Values based on a Filter
I see what you mean In this case, you need to add a helper column called sequence and change the order of the functions from COLLECT DISTINCT to DISTINCT COLLECT and put sequence@row. See below: =IND…1 · -
Correction de soumissions de formulaires qui n'apparaissent pas dans votre feuille
Problème :Avez-vous déjà rempli un formulaire et remarqué que les soumissions n'apparaissent pas dans la feuille là où elles devraient ? C'est un problème courant, mais il existe une solution simple …1 · -
Re: Smartsheet Art Challenge
Ok, this is not as impressive as the rest of the drawings in this thread, but it was SO MUCH FUN to do! Thank you @Darren Mullen for this iniciative!4 ·