Email a row needs to have comments saved in comments box and link to row in email
When using the Email row the functionality is excellent but the comments are saved in the comments box of the row automatically. Receivers of the email tend to just reply on the email as opposed to going to the row. Two suggesitons; 1. Make sender and receiver email comments save automatically to the row in the comments…
Formula to count a number of dates, based on a date range.
Im trying to create a formula for a report based on howmany entrys have been created within specific date ranges. For example: how many entrys have been created 04/15/15 - 04/20/15 in column "date of entry" (auto number column). Please help! Best regards,
Secondary Formula in an OR Cell
Is it possible to have a sub formula be part of the main formula for an IF/OR cell? Basically what I am trying to do is write a formula that looks at Column A and if it is one of two answers from a drop down list report the percentage of the value of Column B, and if the value of Column A is a third value return 0. The…
✓ ✖ ➜ easily inserting symbols?
In SmSh, it is great we can use symbols in the text cells, and also in formulas like =IF(FIGURE7 < 20, "☺", "♛") But could we get an "Ω" button to make it quicker than copy-paste from google docs? ✓✫↔↗♂♛金☺✔✖☑☌✉∅♪♫
Can you return a blank cell in a formula that isn't text?
Is it possible to return a blank cell which is then part of a formula that adds up with other cells to result in a monetary value? =IF(MILEAGE6 > 50, (MILEAGE6 - 50) * [MILEAGE EXPENSE]$2) I want values between 0 and 50 to return a blank and not a 0. When I do the above, it messes up the total column because it thinks the…
Weeks/Days Remaining Formula
How can I create a column that displays "x Weeks and x Days remaining" until a task's start date? I know about RYG Balls and what I can do with conditional formatting, but those just aren't sufficient for my needs. In Excel/Sheets I use the MOD function to do this using the following formula: =IF(([Start…
Decimal Point Issue
Hi All, When entering a simple Children Sum which includes a text string to sum numbers in the column below. For example ="Capex Total: £" + SUM([PO Total]3:[PO Total]113) I'm finding that the numbers after the decimal point either show only one number or lots of numbers depending upon the number of cells the formula has…
Answered: How to offset a date picker
Hello SC, I have a staff request for leave smartsheet. I want to have the date picker 2 weeks forward, so that you cannot select a date within the immediately following 2 weeks. So, any date up to 2 weeks from now should be greyed out. Any ideas?
Guidance on using Smartsheet to support PMO processes
I am about to move my PMO process to Smartsheet and am trying to figure out how best to structure this. Currently, we have a standard set of tools that we issue to a project manager when the project starts, this includes Scope, Business Requirements, Test Plans, Meeting Minutes, Issue/Decision/Risk Log, Project Plan etc..…
Time Logger - Cell History
Is it possible to show time spent on a particular project? The data is already there within the cell history - it just need to be extracted somehow. The below data tells me the task has been "in progress" for 1 minute - 21.06 - 21.07