Counting unique values over different date ranges
Pretty new to SS, I've only been working with it for less than 2 weeks. I have a sheet with pto requests, I need to count the number of team members that have submitted a quest in a quarter or a year or whatever date range I need. Team members can and have submitted more than 1 request per quarter/year ect. So basically I…
Adding formula in column automaticaly
Hi, is it possible to have formulas added automaticaly to in every row in the column? e.g If someone adds new row or delete it by accident.
Counting Checkmarks within a Column
I have a bunch of products, each listing a different product. Each row has a different client, with their contracted products. I want to have a sum of each prodcut at the top, but the columns are checkboxes. So I'm trying to do a formula that says Count if the the box is checked, so I can know how any products are sold.
Count If Current Week
Hi Everyone, I have some daily data with dates and I want to get the week to date numbers off that data (Monday - Sunday of current week). I know countif is needed but I'm not sure how to go thru the rest. Your help is appreciated.
Match or VLookup?
I cannot figure out how to cross reference two excel documents for changes made from one day to the next. Long story short, our EDI process is not working at this time. Until it is up & running, our csr is required to manually review each page for changes from the previous day. It is so time consuming but until EDI is up &…
Counting total rows that fall after a specific Date
I am looking to create a formula that will capture all active rows that I have that fall withhin a Fiscal Year of 10/1/17 through 9/30/18. As of right now for the new fiscal year of 10/1/18-9/30/19 I have the following equation: =COUNTIFS({End Date}, >=DATE(2018, 10, 1), {Doc Type}, "Master") I am looking to capture the…
Automating Day of the Week Lanes in Card view
Hi all, We're using Smartsheet to plan content development and scheduling for a radio station. We'd like to create lanes in the Card View for each day of the week (I already know how to do that part). But each row in grid view already has a broadcast date assigned to it, which of course feeds the Calendar view. I'd like to…
Countif/Countifs Date Range
I am trying to count a certain criterion that occurred within a specific date range and I can't seem to get the formula right. =COUNTIF([Training Date]:[Training Date], AND(@cell >= DATE(2017, 6, 1), @cell < DATE(2018, 5, 31)), Role "Clinical") I am trying to count, for example, how many clinical staff were trained between…
Cell value is cleared easily for a locked column before unlock
Hi, I have a calculated column field and do not want others (including myself) to override the calculation. So, I made the column as lock column. However, I was able to clear the calculation or value in the column without UNLOCKING the column. My expectation is: - others cannot change the cell values in this column; and -…
Referencing another sheet for selective information
Any help with this would be appreciated. I haven't been able to come up with a formula that would check a reference sheet for a value and pull the data from another column to populate the current form. I expect it would be a compound formula with an IF and maybe a INDEX, but I'm having difficulty narrowing it down. - Any…