Huge Sports Event in planning
Hey guys. I am just starting to setup a sheet for a huge sports event that shall provide all relevant info, but also be used live to update the onsite status. Basically there will be about 10 stations that will be identically except for individual timings and some details (i.e. number of people per team). My client does…
Request type by project
Hello, I'm having difficult trying to report on metrics that would outline the following: Identify the number of request types by project For example, if you have 5 projects, all named differently and 2 request types (new/existing) and you wanted to report in a sheet, to then carry over to a dashboard the number of…
Check the box if it's a Monday
I have a [Due By] date column and a [Monday] checkbox column. I'm trying to create a formula that will check the box on any [Due By] that is a Monday. I got as far as getting the box to check if today is Monday: =IF(WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 2, 1, 0) But can't figure out the rest. Thanks for your help!
Count Unique SME names
Hi. I have two columns SME #1 (Name) and SME #2 (Name) with names of subject-matter experts from rows 5 to 155. In many cases, one SME is assigned to more than one course (one course=1 row). I'd like to count the number of unique names in both columns. SME #1 (Name) | SME #2 (Name) Course 1 | Donald Duck | Course 2 |…
Removing Rows at Bottom of Sheet - Affecting Formulas on Dashboard
There are about 10 blank rows at the bottom of my sheet that keep coming back, even after I delete them. I either need to know how to permanently delete them or how to adjust my formulas to not include them because they are affecting our dashboard results. Any help or advice anyone has is welcome. Thank you!
Referring to Adjacent Row
I am using the following formula in Color column to shade every other row in a sheet: ROW 1: No formula ROW 2 = IF(Color1 = 0, 1, 0) ROW 3 = IF(Color2 = 0, 1, 0) I have over 1,000 rows. This works fine. However, if I insert a new row, I have to drag the formula from the row above all the way down to the last row the fix…
Sumifs formula help
Hi, I am putting together a sumifs formula and it works for all criteria except this situation: With my working formulas, my range is just a column value but now I need a formula with the same criteria but I need to range to be the sum of 2 columns. This is my working formula with a single column range =SUMIFS({2019 Master…
Status - Red, Yellow, Blue
I haven't done formulas in a while but can someone help me out with the following. I attached a screen shot below. If %Complete is 100% then status would be blue If end date is less than 10 days away then status would be yellow If end date is on or past end date then status would be red. Thanks
Find Corresponding Value (in Pieces) in Other Sheet
I have two sheets: Sheet 1 that people use to submit requests for course redevelopments and Sheet 2 that has a record of all 1,000 courses (with a link to the "master" in our learning management system). We are in the process of standardizing the names of our "masters". Essentially, they contain three pieces of…
The 25,000 cell reference limit is puzzling
Dear Smartsheet: I am a bit confused by the 25,000 cell reference limit. In my specific case I am simply trying to VLOOKUP from a table where I have 700 rows and 17 columns. That equals 11,900 cells which is less than 25,000 cells. So, why am I getting this error? It creates an incredible amount of frustration and…