If Statement with Multiple Factors


Sorry for needing additional formula help. For the HTN Kit Helper, I need to it either display Blood Pressure Kit with the Educational Language Helper, except if BP cuff helper is Extra Large Cuff I need it to only display "Extra Large Cuff" in the HTN Kit Helper column

=IF([CK Type Helper]@row = "Blood Pressure Kit", [CK Type Helper]@row + " " + IF(CONTAINS("Extra Large Cuff", [BP Cuff Size Helper]@row), "Extra Large Cuff", IF(ISBLANK([BP Cuff Size Helper]@row), "", [Educational Language Helper]@row)))

Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @CaraBart28,

    A nested IF should do this for you:

    =IF([BP Cuff Size Helper]@row = "Extra Large Cuff", "Extra Large Cuff", IF([CK Type Helper]@row = "Blood Pressure Kit", [CK Type Helper]@row + " " + [Educational Language Helper]@row, ""))

    Sample output (showing only relevant columns):

    Hope this helps, but if I've misunderstood anything or you've any problems/questions then just let us know!


  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @CaraBart28,

    A nested IF should do this for you:

    =IF([BP Cuff Size Helper]@row = "Extra Large Cuff", "Extra Large Cuff", IF([CK Type Helper]@row = "Blood Pressure Kit", [CK Type Helper]@row + " " + [Educational Language Helper]@row, ""))

    Sample output (showing only relevant columns):

    Hope this helps, but if I've misunderstood anything or you've any problems/questions then just let us know!

  • CaraBart28
    CaraBart28 ✭✭✭✭

    That worked great Nick, one more question, how would I get the CareKit Name column to display what is in the HTN Kit Helper if not blank, then Heart Failure Kit Helper if not blank, then Diabetes Kit Helper if not blank, then lastly COPD Kit Helper if not blank?

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion

    It'd be along the lines of:

    =IF([HTN Kit Helper]@row <> "", [HTN Kit Helper]@row, IF([Heart Failure Kit Helper]@row <> "", [Heart Failure Kit Helper]@row, IF([Diabetes Kit Helper]@row <> "", [Diabetes Kit Helper]@row, IF([COPD Kit Helper]@row <> "", [COPD Kit Helper]@row))))


    If multiple columns are filled for whatever reason, it will take whichever is first in the priority (leftmost in the above).

    Hope this helps!

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