Trending in Formulas and Functions
Get a Countif on values in a multi-select column of cells
I am trying to write summary formulas to determine how many values appear of each in the drop-down of a column. I tried adding a wildcard, I have tried HAS, and tried CONTAIN, but I'm still not getting the right values. Currently I am getting 0 as a return value on this formula: =COUNTIF([ROI Type]:[ROI Type], HAS([ROI…
summaries in report
Hi i'm trying to build a report with summaries options. i have two column that i want a Min and Max summary. the column for the Min i a texte column and works well. but the other column has formulas and the Max doesn't works. there is a way to fix that? (instead of creating another text column in the source sheets?) here…
Converting email addresses with hyphenated First and/or Last Names
I am trying to convert email addresses into a Name field with the employee's First and Last Name, capitalizing the first character of each part of the name and keeping the hyphen in any part of the name that has one. I started with hyphenated first names so taking and converting it into Joe-Bob…