Using IF formula in Contact column - displaying name only -- not contact info
Hello community! I am attempting to use an IF statement in a contact column to insert a vendor name depending on the company name in the associated row. =IF(Company1 = "Hospitals", "Vendor Name1", "Vendor Name2") The correct names are displaying, but it is name only -- not a true contact (no email address). I can enter the…
combine formulas (check flag based on date, OR if checkbox is checked)
=IF(Status6 = "Open", IF([Due Date]6 <= TODAY(2), 1, 0), (IF([Send to High Risk Report Now]6 = 1, 1, 0))) I have this formula that each IF function works on its own, but i can't seem to get them to work together. Objective: Check Flag if status is "Open" and due date is <=TODAY(2) -OR- check flag if the checkbox is checke…
VLOOKUP with another sheet with matching data
Hello, I am trying to do a VLOOKUP from another sheet based on a value in my current/new sheet. I want to MATCH the Task Name column first, THEN go to column 41(old sheet) and enter the date from that column onto my new sheet. This is what I have, but I am a bit lost in the weeds. I could be very wrong about my code. Any…
Parent vs child flag
Hello, I'm wondering whether it is possible or not to write a formula to indicate whether a certain cell is a parent or a child. The sheet I'm working with only has 2 levels, and I'd like to create a column that is able to delineate the two. My initial thought is something along the lines of =IF([Cell 1] = CHILDREN(), 1,…
Help with formula using YEAR function
I have a need to count rows where: Issue Type = Story Labels include LND-Product Status = Done Year of Resolution Date = 2020 COUNTIFS({JIRA Tickets Issue Type}, "Story", {JIRA Tickets Labels}, "LND-Product", {JIRA Tickets Status}, "Done", YEAR({JIRA Tickets Resolution}),= 2020)) Says the cell is Unparseable but I cannot…
Adding to Formula: 1 out 10
Good afternoon Smartsheet Community: I am trying to add to this formula: =("Priorities for 9/23 Week: " + COUNT(CHILDREN())) I want it to Count the number of Done: Priorities for 9/23 Week 1 out Of 10. Thanks
If Then function needed
I have a column that is "Days to Complete" that is calculated by =ABS((NETWORKDAY([Due Date]1, [Todays Date]1))) But I have another column that is called "Status" which is a drop down list . If I set this column to "Complete" I want the column "Days to complete" to be set to "0" or blank.
COUNTIFS based on Children criteria of certain row
Context: Please see screenshot attached. Project Manager "Fred" has 2 "active" projects in January: Project 1 and Project 2, which are Children under "Fred". This count of 2 is determined by some percentage of the project being completed. Goal: Count the number of active projects per month based on % complete being greater…
When creating a work flow how to I get the alert to trigger based on a if a value "greater than" a c
When creating a work flow, how to I get the alert to trigger based on a if a value "greater than" a certain amount of time?
Create metrics using a Date Range
Hello - I am trying to build metrics that show how many projects are created with specific quarters based off a Date completed column. Currently using this formula but it is not working: =COUNTIFS({Project List Range 1}, "Closed", {Project List Range 3}, >=DATE(2020, 1, 1) <= DATE(2020, 3, 31)) Any helpful tips would be…