How do I count number of sites in particular status if that site is not completed already.
How do I count number of rows containing word "Completed" if not containing word "Completed" in another column? This is what I am trying so far; =COUNTIFS({Master Project Sheet Range 3}, "Completed", NOT({Master Project Sheet Range 2}, "Completed"))
Automatic Update Requests: Bulk vs One at a time
Hi all, I have project registers with automatic rules that trigger update request emails. Each email request is designed to provide unique information about the register entry. If I do updates on the sheet and save a bunch of entries at once, Smartsheet sends a bulk update request, rather than sending one update request…
Having trouble using VLOOKUP formula in my Smartsheet
Hello Community, I have been trying to use VLOOKUP to cross check a screening date to what screening number was performed on that date, or within the date range; though I haven't been able to make it work! Please can you help me with what I need to do to make it work. My formula is: =VLOOKUP([Date of stock switchover]25,…
If date is last Month
Hi - I'm trying to workout how to do a formula where it generates an answer yes/no if the date was last month - I've managed to do a count ifs last month and tried to use similar logic for just if(date=last month,"Yes","No") "=COUNTIFS(XXXXX, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = 1, 12, MONTH(TODAY()) - 1),…
Do formulas not transfer over to reports?
Hi everyone, I have a formula in my sheet that is not showing up on my report. It's a simple formula; how many days late something is, and I really need that info displayed in the report. Ideas, tips or tricks? Thanks! Ashley
Formula to count status and due date in the past
Hi, hoping that someone can help... I'm trying to add a field into my Sheet Summary, to highlight tasks that are overdue, but need to excluded tasks that are 'Complete'. This is what I've tried, however the error message is #Unparseable. =COUNTIF(Launch:Launch), <TODAY(), + COUNTIF(Status:Status, "In Progress"),…
Formula Error for Week over Week metrics by a secondary criteria
@Paul Newcome I had a pro desk appointment today but we were unable to solve why the formula will not work. They recommended I reach out here for assistance. I have been trying to figure this out now for a week and have searched every post in Community and had 2 Pro Desk appointments trying to solve the issue. I have…
Collecting earliest date based on certain criteria
Hey Smartsheet, I'm trying to pull the earliest date that a status symbol was Red or Yellow unless that date is followed by a Green status symbol and then a Red or Yellow status symbol. In that scenario, I would want the Red/Yellow date after the Green date to be shown in the Roll-up Sheet. In the example below, the…
Column formula issue when using for resource allocation
Firstly, I love column formula. They are fantastic. I do have an issue though. Our business has a lot of active projects and a lot of tasks which in timeframe may take weeks or days, however, only require hours of work from individuals. To manage this I have created an Allocation column and an hours colum to allocate the…
Finding Sum of Numbers Between Rows with a variable number of Rows
I am looking to create a a formula that will find the sum of a certain column, but the complex portion is that I want it to only sum the rows if it is between certain rows. You can see in this example, I only want to sum the number of calls between "Location Recommendation". But the number of rows is going to vary, it…