Trending in Formulas and Functions
I have a feature column, a task (multiple tasks per feature) column, a task date column and a feature date column. The task dates can be of three different types. They can be all dates. They can be dates and "DFD + Date" (example: DFD 3/10/2025) TBDs Once the feature, task and task date columns are filled, I want to…
Formula Order of Operations Problem
I am trying to use a formula with CHAR(10) between each missing asset item to build a nice list to use in a record search return automation. I am using one row for each employee with multiple uniform items in several columns. My formula does well until it finds an item in the formula sequence is not missing, then it quits…
Partial Formula Working
Hello, Everyone. I have a commission sheet with many columns, and I have a 3 part formula to calculate commission based on 3 different % depending on which month of the contract the sales team is in. The first two IF statements work beautifully. The 3rd part I need to calculate that if the Month of Contract is greater than…