Nested IF statement

I am trying to allow the % Complete column update the Status column. My Status column has 3 choices, although I've unchecked the box requiring the use of a dropdown choice only. This is the formula that I've written, but it returns the error "Unparseable". Any thoughts would be appreciated!

=IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Completed", IF([% Complete]@row, =0, "Not Started", "In Progress")))


Best Answer

  • liz.mayeux
    liz.mayeux ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    When I create IF embedded formulas, I have learned to test the 1st IF formula to make sure it works properly =IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Completed","In Progress")

    Once I know that formula works (because sometimes it just doesn't!), I enter the embedded formula.

    If this is copy paste of your formula, it maybe that you have too many ))). I'm only seeing 2 ((.

    The parenthesis are color coded to the formula statement, i hope this helps.


  • liz.mayeux
    liz.mayeux ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    When I create IF embedded formulas, I have learned to test the 1st IF formula to make sure it works properly =IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Completed","In Progress")

    Once I know that formula works (because sometimes it just doesn't!), I enter the embedded formula.

    If this is copy paste of your formula, it maybe that you have too many ))). I'm only seeing 2 ((.

    The parenthesis are color coded to the formula statement, i hope this helps.

  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion

    Hi @David31406

    Adding to @liz.mayeux's comment, there's an extra comma between [% Complete]@row, =0

    Here is the formula that'll work:

    =IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Completed", IF([% Complete]@row = 0, "Not Started", "In Progress"))

  • Liz - taking it step by step was an excellent idea. I was able to build upon each IF statement and it now works perfectly.

    Thank you!

  • liz.mayeux
    liz.mayeux ✭✭✭✭✭

    @David31406 that was a tip i received from smartsheet during one of their formula classes. Start with your base formula to success and then start adding extra values. they also suggested testing the 2nd/3rd formula separately to make sure that works before adding them into the base formula. it does help keep your sanity when the error messages start rolling in!

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