IF formula for between dates
I have dates in one column of a SmartSheet. I need a formula that tells me if the date is less than today and less than 10/25/22, return "Yes", if not than "No" Essentially I need the formula to return yes or no if the date is in the past and if the data is coming up within the next two weeks. Can someone please help with…
Sumifs formula
=SUMIFS([Work Performed Total]:[Work Performed Total], [Month - Count]:[Month - Count], [Current Seasonality %]9, Year:Year, [Current Seasonality %]10) Im trying to sum a number if the month and year match in the column.
Make symbols turn Gray if date is in the past but only if that column had an entry
I have a selection of vehicles that have the below formula which will insert the red symbol if they are listed in the corresponding column: =IF([日付 Date]@row < TODAY(), "Gray", IF(CONTAINS("4号室 Room 4", [問題報告RV東照明 Reporting Issue RVE Lighting]:[問題報告RV東照明 Reporting Issue RVE Lighting]), "Red")) What I need to know is how to…
Formula Referencing Another Sheet
Hi, I wrote a formula and each of the column will be referencing from another sheet whereas it shows unparseable. Can you give some suggestion on how to modify? Formula is in Sheet A =COUNTIFS({Person Accountable}:{Person Accountable}, CONTAINS(@cell, "System Manager"), {Done}:{Done}, @cell=1,…
Checkbox is checked, dropdown menu changes as well as symbol changes
I have 3 columns: Checkbox Dropdown Symbol I want it so that the user can either click the checkbox or select an option on the drop down menu to change the symbol. This is done and working great for the symbol column! Now, I want it so that if the checkbox is TRUE and the symbol changes to GREEN, the drop down menu changes…
Two column values to change symbol
Hi there, I want a symbol column to change when either column 1 (checkbox) is TRUE or column 2 (drop down) is COMPLETED. I have the below formula, but it isn't capturing it correctly. The first part of "status" works, but when I added in the OR statement, it throws an error. =IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Green",…
Hours by timezone
Hi there, I have two things I need help on: 1: Getting duration to show "3 hours" or "60 minutes": Start time (ex. 9:00 AM) End time (ex. 12:00 PM) Duration (ex. 3 hours) I used this formula to get a numeric number, but would love it to be "3 hours" or "60 minutes", etc. =(IF(FIND(":", [End Time]@row) = 2, VALUE(LEFT([End…
Dual Purpose Form/Spreadsheet
Hello Community, In need of some assistance and ideas. Current State: I have a form that is populating the responses submitted by a client into a single worksheet. However, some of the required information is not able to be submitted at the time of entry. So, we give the client access and they update the fields when they…
Cross reference cell value against the column name?
Is there a formula or function that will lookup a value in another column (same row) and check against the column name? I have a Cell with a start date from a new employee. I then calculate a date of when that employee will be fully trained (Ramped). I need to then indicate that this new employee is capable of contributing…
Index Match Function with Multi Select Dropdown
Hello, I'm looking to create a formula that will look at a multi select dropdown and use that to match to a reference table on another sheet and give back a value for each item selected. This is a copy of the reference table I'm using. My desired result is below.