IF formula for multiple dropdown values?
Newer user, I'm having trouble finding how to properly format... One column, [RGU Sold], contains a variety of sale, no sale, and customer interaction options. I would like to create a conditional formula that groups those responses to yield "sale", "no sale", "following up", or remain blank if there is no value. Multiple…
COUNTIFS(OR with multiple checkboxes
Hi, I have a formula where I am trying to say in column 1 count if checkbox A is checked OR in column 2 if checkbox B is checked. Here is the entire formula with the portion I cannot figure out in bold: =COUNTIFS(Simulation:Simulation, "Phillips ED", Complete:Complete, "0", Type:Type, OR(@cell = "Pilot", @cell =…
SUMIFS for multiple criteria in same range
Hello, I am trying to generate a sum based on Department Name and Ticket Count. However, so of my formulas need to sum multiple Department Names and their respective ticket counts. The issue is I have multiple names for the same department pulling from the system we are counting the tickets from. Essentially I have two…
Subtraction and Division formula
Hello, I am trying to develop a formula which will look like this: Column 1 value - Column 2 value divided by column 1 value to equal in column 3. Can anyone help me with building out this formula?
How to subtract quantities from one sheet via forms to another sheet with total quantities
My issue is this: I have a master sheet with material types (A1,A2,A3 etc..) and total material quantities (#'s). The other sheet I am using is updated via forms. The form is used for distributing materials and requires a material type, and material quantity before submission. Once submitted I would like the quantity to be…
Is there a formula to specify "Completed" if children "Completed" or "Nothing to Submit"?
The formula I'm using currently returns the cell as blank if children are "completed" or "nothing to submit", but I would like it to return "Completed" in that case. =IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Complete") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Nothing to Submit") = COUNT(CHILDREN()), "Complete", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Not Started") =…
Multiple VLOOKUPS in one formula?
Is it possible to create a formula that has multiple vlookups from different references? If so, how? I've tried, unsuccessfully. My goal is to create a formula that tracks the most recent number in a cell aug -10, sept-20, oct - "blank" so the cell will show 20. We have 4 sheets that track this info on a quarterly basis…
Linking Entire Column to Another Sheet
I have two sheets, "Master Staff Sheet" and "Door Access Sheet". Both sheets have ID column in them. I would like to dynamically link the entire ID column value range from the Master Staff Sheet to Door Access Sheet. I was able to use the "Hyperlink..." function to link the entire column, but...when new ID row entries are…
Progress Bar Date Automation
Hi All, Could someone help me figure out a formula for the progress bar column style. My goal is to determine how close (by progress bar visual) are we to the "target end date" of a task. For example, my start date is 01/09/2022 and my target end date is 30/09/2022 and the actual date of today is the 29/09/2022 so we would…
Why does my nested formula work for some cells in the column but not all?
#INVALID OPERATION is the error message I receive for some but not all cells. =IF(AND([Created By Date]@row < TODAY(-365), [Target Completion Date]@row < TODAY()), "Red", IF(AND([Target Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(), ISBLANK([Project Status]@row)), "Yellow", IF([Project Status]@row = "Complete", "Green", IF([Target…