Trending in Formulas and Functions
IF state with 3 sets of criteria
Hello, I am struggling to get my IF formula to give me anything other than #UNPARSEABLE I am creating an inventory sheet where if "Stock qty" column is less than "Reorder level" qty than to return "REORDERED NEEDED" or if it is greater than reorder level than to put "OK" but the tricky part comes when I add in my third…
Identify matching apps with date conflicts and print out "conflict"
The general idea is I have a sheet where we list each effort and the application it impacts (column "Application") as well as the dates the Code is going to be in my QA environment. I'm trying to create a formula that checks when the "Application" values match and if so compares my date range [code drop date to end prod…
IF and BLANK nesting formulas
I am trying to use an IF statement in the approved column that says "If status is requested, return PIPELINE, all other statuses return APPROVE, unless it's blank then leave the cell blank". Everything I try returns #UNPARSEABLE. I had it working but someone messed with my sheet and now I can't get it back! Help :)