Count Distinct Collect only returns 1, even when there should be none
I have this formula for a Sheet Summary field: =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT(Goal:Goal, [Primary SD]:[Primary SD], ="SET", [Fiscal Year]:[Fiscal Year], ="FY2022-2023"))) Attached is a screenshot of the sheet. It is filtered to show only rows with Primary SD=SET, and you can see that there are none for FY2022-2023. So the Sheet…
Date & Sum Formula Help
Good afternoon. I need assistance with a formula to sum a Status column (new, active, complete). In addition, I need this formula to capture the year it was completed (i.e., 2022, 2023, 2024). However, my values in the date columns are shown as (1/2/22, 1/2/23, 1/2/24). Any advice on how to do this or if it is possible?
Assistance creating formula to reference status of previous task
My team currently uses Smartsheet to manage the various projects we have across our locations. Within each location is a project line, and then nested within this is the project schedule and then nest within that are the various tasks associated with completing the project. Each task is assigned to a user responsible for…
I need help creating nested formulas to pull data from multiple sheets.
Hi Smartsheet Community, I am working on creating a training matrix based our training documentation. Here is the set up of the training matrix: peoples names as columns and the trainable documents in the rows. I added the helper row because I couldn't figure out how to use the columns in a formula. This is the separate…
No longer applicable.
Getting answer in a different article. Removing question from this one
How to Count if End Date is in Less than 365 Days?
Hi Smartsheet Community. Hoping for your help on this question. We need to have a count of Projects that are closed and have an end date that is in the last year. =COUNTIF({PMO Project Pipeline Step}, "Done", {PMO Project Pipeline Target End}, <TODAY(-365)) This is throwing an Incorrect Argument Set error. Do you see…
Symbol Formulas
This discussion was created from comments split from: Working with Symbol Formulas.
Formula to find the the highest sum of a consecutive list of data
I need help trying to figure out a formula that will find the max consumption qty of a particular item on a given day. The tricky part is that there are multiple instances per day of consumption for each item. It would need to to understand that each day is also a unique identifier and sum accordingly per item.
Options for creating a look up tool...
Hello! I am trying to think of all of the ways to create a look up tool in Smartsheet that can be accessed by non-Smartsheet users, without the non-Smartsheet users being able to see the back end. We will only be collecting the email addresses of the non-Smartsheet users and then returning the name and email address of…
Analyse three columns content and produce a representation of request priority
Hi! TIA for any advice! I have a Smartsheet fed by a user form, that provides me with bookings for a service provision. As part of the service provision request in the service booking summary Smartsheet we have a department ID of the requester in one column, a "date created" column, and a column that shows the user/form…