Options for creating a look up tool...

Brooks ✭✭✭✭
edited 08/03/23 in Formulas and Functions


I am trying to think of all of the ways to create a look up tool in Smartsheet that can be accessed by non-Smartsheet users, without the non-Smartsheet users being able to see the back end.

We will only be collecting the email addresses of the non-Smartsheet users and then returning the name and email address of their committee representative.

The initial entry point for the non-Smartsheet user would be a Smartsheet form, but I wonder how to proceed from there...

I could use form logic to return the name and email address of their representative.

I could use automations to email them the name and email address of their representative.

But, the issue is, there are a lot of constituents (over 5,000) and this would need to be updated at least once a quarter when the new constituents are added/removed. So, manually clicking each email address isn't really an option. Currently, automations won't allow me to copy and paste multiple values into the trigger point section or in the condition section.

Can anyone think of a better way of doing this? Perhaps setting up the back end with the constituent list and then making that work somehow?

Thank you for your help and advice!


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