How to make the date stay the exact date
Hello if something is typed in after 5:00pm, my date goes to the next day. How do i change this ?
Can you automate 2 requests for update in same row?
I am trying a workaround to ensure stakeholders are completing all the fields in a request for update automation. We have two party's that need to fill out the same row. I created a form with required fields for the first party. Then I created a workflow so that when a trigger is met from the form, a request for update is…
Workflow Alert Automation - Link to Sheet
Hello Smartsheets Community, I have created an automated workflow to go out to outside retailers that have submitted a new customer setup form to our company. If this customer is approved, we attach the necessary documents they need to start selling the program. Is there a way to only show the attachments and not the link…
Continue format
how can I apply this formula to all the column? so far it's not working and says that the syntax isn't quite right. =IF(Balance@row > Balance15, "True", "False")
I am attempting to create a true/false formula. What am I missing?
I am attempting to create a formula that will show an expected go live date 42 days after the created date for the project type (Union) and 14 days after the created date for the project type (Share). The first half of the formula produces a date but when I add on I receive the error "UNPARSEABLE" =IF([Application…
INDEX/MATCH - single sheet, header row
Hi, I could use some help putting into practice some of the INDEX/MATCH trickery I learned at Engage 😅 I have a tracker that tracks patient MRI visits - the tracker is heady, with multiple (~30-35) different date columns for different visits, interspersed with dropdown columns and column formulas with projected visit dates…
Vendor management and ID #
I would like to assign unique vendor IDs in a database according to vendor type (independent column) and sequential numbering. Screenshot of what I am trying to produce below. I have found that the Auto Number column type only accepts a fixed prefix and thus cannot populate different prefixes based on Vendor Type along…
Countif and Year
=COUNTIF([Date Reported]:[Date Reported], (YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))) Hi, I'm trying to count the items for this year. But every now and then blank rows seem to appear in the sheet and this calc gives an error. Any better ideas?
Formula using SumsIF
Hi Everyone, I need assistance on a formula I want to sum the numbers in the "Qty of Monitors" column if the Office column is "SOMA" and when the dropdowns are " Acer AND Viewsonic" are both selected in the Monitor column. Formula I have put together=SUMIFS({Qty of Monitor}, {Office}, "SOMA", {Monitor}, "Viewsonic",…
CHILDREN of two columns
I was trying to reference the children of two columns @row in a MIN(COLLECT()) function. Currently, I am only able to use two separate COLLECT() --- MIN(COLLECT(CHILDREN(col1@row, criteriaRange1, criteria1), COLLECT(CHILDREN(col2@row, criteriaRange1, criteria1)) But when I arrange the two columns together,…