Can you automate 2 requests for update in same row?


I am trying a workaround to ensure stakeholders are completing all the fields in a request for update automation.

We have two party's that need to fill out the same row.

I created a form with required fields for the first party.

Then I created a workflow so that when a trigger is met from the form, a request for update is sent to the 2nd party. But we want that 2nd party to fill out all the fields. Since a request for update does not include this feature, I tried a workaround.

I created 2 separate work flows with the same one trigger:

One is when rows are added/changed, another when rows are changed.

The first workflow sends a request for update when the trigger is met.

The second workflow has a condition that when certain fields are blank, another request for update is sent.

However, this does not work. The only way I can automate a follow up reminder is through an alert someone (the enterer) which takes them to the entire sheet.

How do I ask for a 2nd request an update (and 3rd or 4th until complete) for blank fields in a row?


  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @DavidO_Stein

    You could have a True/False column that checks to see if all the fields are complete or not. If not complete, then you have daily or weekly update request automation that runs when that is false. This could lead to multiple update requests, which may or may not be a problem. (Run every week or every day when specific conditions are met.)

    Another option is to add reminder date columns to the sheet and trigger automation to run on reminder dates. (Run every day at x time, if Reminder Field Date is today and Completed is False, then send update request).

    Hope this helps!

  • DavidO_Stein

    Thanks for the feedback. Not sure what you mean by "have a True/False column that checks to see if all the fields are complete or not." Who checks? Do I check or is this some automated condition?

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @DavidO_Stein - you can have a calculated column that indicates True/False if any fields are blank and base automation on that formula - send reminders if it is True (blank fields) (or False depending on how you write the formula).

  • DavidO_Stein

    Thanks. Looks like I need to start another question thread on how to have a calculated column that indicates True/False if any fields are blank  because I am still not following.

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @DavidO_Stein

    =IF(COUNT([Column5]@row:[Column7]@row) < 3, "Blanks", "Ok")

    There are 3 columns in my example that would be "required" to be completed. If my count is less than 3, then there is at least one blank cell.

    You would need to change the column references in the formula to match yours. You can add counts together if they are not contiguous. The COUNT function only counts non-blank values.

    Hope this helps!

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