Sign up form limit how many times a drop down value can be chosen possible?
Hi, im trying to create a sign up sheet for an event through smartsheet form. is there a way to restrict how many times a value in a drop down can be selected? for example, if my sign up sheet ask user to sign up to a certain date and time slot, i would want to restrict how many times a particular dat and time slot (value…
Column Properties: Not Able to Select Any Standard Option Other Than Check Box
Hi, I have a project queries management smartsheet and one of the Column Titles is "Done". I had chosen "Checkbox" as type of COLUMN PROPERTY. Now I have changed my mind and I want to change the COLUMN PROPERTY from Checkbox to DROP DOWN list. When I right click on Column Heading, I don get EDIT COLUMN PROPERTIES option to…
Tasks in Resource View
Is it possible to view the task or sub-task assigned to a resource in a resource view? We use a multi-project sheet to encapsulate schedules and would like to track resources within a sheet as opposed to across sheets. As you can see in the screenshot, the resource view only shows the sheet name instead of the task, which…
Form Dynamics
Are there any plans to add dynamic features to the forms? My main example is to have the ability to make a drop down list be changed/shortened/limited based on the selection of a previous drop down selection.
Dashboard Charting Problem
Is there a way to exclude cells that have a zero from charting? The bar chart does not show any data, but the topic headers, that have a zero, are cluttering the legend. If there is no data >0, I really would like the legend to not show the headers.
Cloning Sheets
Hello, I'm hoping there is a way to "clone" whole sheets, I don't want to re-reference the same sheets over and over again. -Making dashboards for my field teams.
VERY new to SS. I am trying to write a formula that will insert red dot for any date that is prior to today, a yellow dot for any date that is that is between 1-30 days from now, and a green dot for any date that is 30+days from now and I cannot get it to work...can anyone provide guidance?
Re-opening forms
Is it possible to re-open a form that is only partially completed but was submitted? We have fields in a form that need be completed at a different time and/or by a different person.
Best practice for an Employee on-boarding process
Hi - new to Smartsheet and my MD and HR Director have asked me to look at rationalising some Google Sheets they use at the moment to track employees from initial interest through to starting with the company. I've looked at a couple of templates and started down the road of creating a sheet which has Surname as the Primary…
Besoin d'aide au sujet des rapports
Bonjour, Est ce que l'un d'entre vous a déjà crée et partagé des rapports, via smartsheet? Si oui, Faut-il obligatoirement partager la feuille source des données afin de visualiser les informations dans le rapport ? De mon côté, je souhaiterais ne pas partager la feuille source des données, mais uniquement le rapport.…