Image Widget Linked to a specif set of rows in a sheet
Does anyone know if there is a way to link an image widget directly to a selected amount of rows in a sheet? I currently only see the option to link to a full sheet, but want to direct the user to a certain section of the sheet.
Include Multiple Recipients on Single Email Alert
We are currently using a form to track internal requests. We are trying to get smartsheet to send an email to multiple recipients on a single email thread. Essentially using this form to generate an email thread which has all of the following recipients: the form submitter (dynamic) and all individuals within our solutions…
Delete Blueprint in Control Center
I created a Blueprint in Control Center that I do not want to use. Can I delete? I have searched and do not see a way to delete it.
RGY Balls and Days remaining
Currently, I am using this formula =IF([End Date]396 < TODAY(), "Red", IF([End Date]396 = TODAY(), "Yellow", IF([End Date]396 > TODAY(), "Green"))) for health status. What I would like to do is tweak this, so that if a task is less than 75%, and due in 3 days, the ball is YELLOW. Everything else remains the same
Project Management and Stakeholder Logs
We're using smartsheet to track a land acquisition project for a utility. Each row will contain a contact, parcel features, a dates of progress. We need a way to manage daily communication and updates. We have considered using comments and a remarks column. Is there a better solution? Thanks!
Status Colours
I see that there are 2 choices of 4 Status Colours: Green, Yellow, Red, Blue (or Gray). Could we get an option for 5 Status Colours? Blue - Not Started Green - In Progress Yellow - At Risk Red - Behind Schedule Gray - Completed Thanks,
How to remove hidden fields in tableau sheet while exporting as cross tab from tableau server?
Hi all, I am using Tableau Desktop & Server 9.3. I have created a field named as 'Sales'. There are many other measures and dimensions have been included in sheet along with field 'Sales'. But for some reasons I've to hide 'Sales' field. I've done this by unchecking the option 'Show Header'. I have published my workbook on…
Report for yesterday
Hello, I hope someone can help me. Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find a way to make a Report for only yesterday, I work on a big sheet (> 4,000 rows, 25 columns) with many different days in the column [Datum]. Now I want to make a report, that shows only the rows from yesterday. Not today, not further in the past. I want to…
Report that looks at more two or more criteria but the criteria do not all have start dates
Hi. I'm trying to build a report that will tell me when we are close to sending bills for a district to the print shop. The criteria is looking at two rows with different names in the Primary Column; i.e. Request Information and Original Proof Signoff but I need different criteria for each when it comes to dates. For…
Sumifs with 2 conditions in same column
I am having trouble creating a formula with 2 conditions. I currently have formulas in a Spend summary sheet that only have one condition but I need to add a 2nd condition. Here is what I have for 1 condition: =SUMIFS({Team DD - Budget - FY19-FY20- Amount}, {Team DD - Budget - FY19-FY20- Requester Team}, "Computing", {Team…