Can Smartsheet port most of the functionality from Power Query? It would thrill me if two features I use all the time in Power Query could be added "remove blank rows" and "Use first Row as Headers" so I would never need to manually rename a column again. I'd also love if SmartSheet had the Choose Column, Go to Column…
It would be very convenient to be able to format a report different than the sheet. One purpose of a report is to bring multiple sheets of data together, but often those different sheets have different formatting which can make your report look awful. If you could format your report at the report level, it would solve all…
When a row is locked manually or by automation, the sheet owner can allow specific people to edit each row by using the contact column. This column could be a "Locked Editing" access column. Who ever the sheet owner puts in the "Locked Editing" column of the locked row, shartsheet will allow them to edit the locked row.…
Would love to see an option within DocumentBuilder to map BOTH columns and rows so that more documents can be auto-generated based on form submissions (like a weekly update newsletter).
Would be nice to be able to nest groups inside of other groups for easier access administration for large organizations.
Just a minor request - When going on a report, sheet, etc. to have a tooltip when you hover over the icon next to the title to let people know what kind of information they're looking at. Sometimes people forget or don't know if they're looking at a report or a sheet so I think having this little tooltip to help people…
There are two things I miss about data in form management: 1 - A form could open another, already taking data. For example: I would like to be able to fill out a purchase order and, in the middle of the process, be able to insert a product into the database or a supplier, which was already linked to the original form.…
Have the option to 'File-> Save as Template' in a report or dashboard like you can do with a sheet.
I'd really like to have the ability to lock a column width and/or have the column remember each person's/device's last width setting. See: I work with several sheets multiple times a day that I share with a co-editor. Because of differing screen sizes and…
allow users to add section to request amounts and total them something like: blue widgets needed - # red widgets needed - # green widgets needed - # Total widgets = # blue+# red+# green
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
This discussion was created from comments split from: Enable {{Curly Brackets}} in manual "Send Update Request".
While Smartsheet did recently release a method for accessing Resource Management from the left navigation, our team finds more value in looking at the "Reports" I've set up within RM. Reports that I've embedded within our Smartsheet WorkApp, as well as within Smartsheet Dashboards. Issue is, when trying to review the…
We have several use cases where we build custom URLs that include column data from a source sheet into a Smartsheet form URL string on a target sheet that hosts the form. It would be very helpful if Smartsheet had a function like ENCODEURL. Currently we have to build an ugly formula with multiple embedded SUBSTITUTE…