As of right now, if you send an Update Request, the existing information (originally entered data) will populate in the body of the email. The link to make updates/corrections is also provided. Is it possible to have an option to ONLY provide a link to the Update Request form? Because of HIPAA laws and sensitive patient…
It would be nice if I could create a new reference in the template and have that reference added using the global updates. Right now I can push a formula out using the global updates but in order to have the formula work I have to go into each sheet individually to add the references.
Hi Team, I added column descriptions to my sheets and created a report to present to my team. I would like the connection of the column descriptions between the sheet and report. Thank you, Justin
Chart widgets once you make a new selection of ranges for the data on a ‘Chart’ widget, it will return to the original system color. The result may be sloppy, with two data series having the same color! Consider changing the behavior so that it doesn't default to the original scheme. Instead, it should retain the color…
There should be a way to remove the "Go to the Sheet" button / link at the bottom of an update request. Often users do not have access and then they keep requesting access by using this link.
It would be nice to be able to hyperlink from one cell in a sheet to another cell in the same sheet and back again.
Workflow/automation based on sheet summary fields. One scenario - count of all cells, send a warning if the sheet is close to max. (Do not want helper column as that increases the count.)
Would be great to have hovering tool tips for widgets in Dashboards. Also on Reports, if the column description could carry forth from the sheet, would be great.
I keep short notes in a cell of each row updating important progress regarding the row task. Currently, it is only possible to search the current entry of rows and not history in the cell. Although it possible to View Cell History by right clicking on a cell, it would be tremendously helpful to search across all sheets or…
I spend a lot of time working out of reports but often find myself having to go to the source row. It would be helpful if clicking on the Sheet Name of the row in the report takes you directly to the row in the source sheet. Otherwise, you have to scroll through hundreds of rows to find.
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
This discussion was created from comments split from: Enable {{Curly Brackets}} in manual "Send Update Request".
While Smartsheet did recently release a method for accessing Resource Management from the left navigation, our team finds more value in looking at the "Reports" I've set up within RM. Reports that I've embedded within our Smartsheet WorkApp, as well as within Smartsheet Dashboards. Issue is, when trying to review the…
We have several use cases where we build custom URLs that include column data from a source sheet into a Smartsheet form URL string on a target sheet that hosts the form. It would be very helpful if Smartsheet had a function like ENCODEURL. Currently we have to build an ugly formula with multiple embedded SUBSTITUTE…