Looking to take a parent row on the pulled column and put a percent complete of the children rows.
Adding "Months" to a Date (Column)
I have a Column [Planned FPI] 01/02/23 that I want to ADD a # of Months [Estimated Duration (Months] to and I can't get the formula to return a Date.
Index Match Issues - #NO MATCH
I have 2 sheets. In sheet 1, I am trying to output the project names based on matching PO# values between sheets 1 and 2, sheet 2 has corresponding project names. I am getting a #NO MATCH error. My first thought is that this is happening because there are multiple lines in sheet 2 with that PO# and Project names. My…
Return Current Month in Cross Sheet Formula
Hi all, I need to pull counts of events related to account #'s for the current month. On the raw data sheet, I have the row calculation working with this formula: =COUNTIFS([Event Date]@row, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Event Date]@row, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY())) However, that will just return…
Losing hair from index:match
Hey All. I've read through every post I can find on index match but my formula is still coming up unparsable no matter what I try. I am trying to reference columns across 2 sheets. I've created references in the end sheet under Manage References. Here's the latest version of my formula and then a list of things I've tried…
Counting Formula Help
Hi, I am looking for a formula that counts that instances that a particular department was listed. In my scenario, Person 1 & Person 2 belong to the same department. Current formula I am using is Attendances by Person 1 + Attendances by Person 2 which gives me a result of 6 however, since they are from the same department,…
Need Assistance in Formulae
I have 2 tables as below, I need assistance in populating column Notification Table 1 Table 2 : Ask : Based on the Title of the task, I want to pull all the users associated with it. I was able to perform for one title value with Join and Collect. I need assistance modifying the logic so that if the title contains 2…
Countifs with OR
I feel like I almost have it: =COUNTIFS({MMES},"0", @cell), {Disease Extent}, OR(CONTAINS("Proctitis", @cell), (CONTAINS("No disease activity", @cell) Count if the column titled MMES has "0" and the column titled Disease Extent has "Proctitis" OR has "No disease activity" HELP!
If cell in column contains "ASAP", change value of cell or match another cell's value
Hi Smartsheet Community! Issue we are trying to resolve: We have an intake request form that provides the client with an opportunity to request a preferred start and end date range or fill in with "ASAP". However, when the client enters in "ASAP" it causes the Requested Work Week column to have an error, which causes the…
AMI Estimator Formula
Hello! Has anyone set up a formula in Smartsheet to calculate the Area Media Income (AMI) Percent? I would like to enter an amount into a row and set up a formula that calculates what percentage of AMI an applicant is. I think it would be a long formula that might include all the different amounts of AMI income. Thank you…