Cost Formula using multiple criteria
I have been beating my brain trying to make this formula work. Any help is appreciated. I have two sheets, the Sample Sheet and the Sample Pricing Sheet. I want to be able to fill in the customer with the pricing options and product(s), then have the product cost autofill under the correct column(s). The products have a…
Count columns based on drop down select
I want to be able to have a sheet that lets me select items we make from a drop down list then check the components needs to make that item. Then have it multiply the materials needs by the number we want to fabricate and total the needed materials. After that I would like to have the sheet check our on hand materials from…
Hi, I am trying to capture equipment number, year, make and model from my main sheet based on the status "available for transfer" and bring those values over to my calculation sheet to display on my dashboard. Below is what the main sheet looks like that I want to pull those values over to my other sheet based on the…
Can I use a helper cell to house the year in these formulas?
I'm wondering if I can have a helper column/cell that houses the year instead of including 2023 in all of my formulas (we're talking over a thousand cells). I want to have a helper cell that has 2023 (or 1/1/2023 if it needs to be date format), so that when it comes time to update everything at year-end, I can just change…
Cross Sheet JOIN/COLLECT/INDEX/MATCH conundrum.
Hi all, going a bit crazy trying multiple variants on these formulae to get my desired outcome. Hoping someone can put me out of my misery. In my source sheet I have columns and rows like this: In my destination sheet I want to pull in a list of Projects from the source sheet that are Flagged "Yes". Like so. It seems so…
Sum Checked Boxes referencing another sheet
Hello, I would like to get a formula that sums checked boxes only and also give me the count based on project status. This "Metric Sheet" refers to a regular sheet assigned by team member.
Yield year if criteria is between two dates in two columns.
Hello, I am trying to yield the Year if Start date is greater than or equal to 1/1/2023 but pre-marketing date is less than or equal to 12/31/2023. I was fine with a simple year in a single column but am stumped with yielding year between two dates in two columns. Thanks!
Force calculated date to change to first following Monday if not already a Monday
I have a few columns where the dates are based on a formula. It is imperative that some of the date column MUST be a Monday but due to the formula some of the dates do not fall on a Monday. How do I force the date if not currently a Monday to be the next following Monday?
Count if today and multiple criteria
Hello community, My formula needs to read data from two columns with the combination of a CountIfs, Distinct, Today formula I think. On row 16 in the count column, I want the cell to count how many entries are in the Amsterdam column when it is today's date. Row 2 shows today's date (16th March) and the formula should…
At Risk Flag turning red based on Start & End Date Formula
Hello everyone! I am trying to automate some of the project plans, and I was wondering what the best way is to express this in a formula: If Status is Not Started by 3 days after the Start Date, and in any other Staus but Completed by the End Date, mark the flag red in the At Risk column @Andrée Starå Thank you!