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I understand that you want to make a "deactivate user" functionality available, so you don't have to transfer any assets if a person leaves. However, by not allowing Sys Admins to reactivate users if they rejoin the company at any time in the future, then your feature seems to be lacking? If someone rejoins, I need to…
I use the Salesforce Connector to synchronize information between Smartsheet and Salesforce. One of the fields we want to show in Salesforce contains a link to a project dashboard in Smartsheet. The cell with the link normally contains the project name hyperlinked to the dashboard. However, the connector will only copy the…
I really enjoyed Engage and I was looking forward to the talk about the community since I find it so useful and great. It was disapointing that in the 2 days of Engage, only 5-10 min were allocated to the community and there was no Booth about it either. it is such a valuble resource that I think it should be highlighted…
I'd like to be able to build my own library of workflow automation and be able to "apply" selected workflow automation directly from the Project Plan Smartsheet. Also be able to share my library with others in my account that they may include into their own library so they do not have to reinvent the wheel. Advantages: 1)…
I would love an option to be able to export data in excel format from dynamic view
On our Enterprise Plan, when publishing items, Access Control options appear as follows: Users routinely mistake the "Available to anyone with the link…" option to mean anyone within the company, not literally anyone in the world. The ramifications of this misunderstanding are huge. I propose changing the labels for these…
In resource Management the analytics feature is great but the out/extraction of that information is not. As of now you get 2 choices - Export this report - limited data Export Underlying Data - gives me everything It would be great to have way to choose which columns of data I want to export.