Merged: Alert Someone should support Resource Groups
This discussion has been merged.
Conditional formatting for dates that are X amount of time in the past
I have a sheet where I would like one column of dates to be conditionally formatted to show if the date is greater than 5 years in the past. For example, once a record is greater than 5 years old then it must be archived. We would like to easily see when this occurs or be able to create a workflow to move them to another…
Export column descriptions
It would be really helpful if we could export column descriptions along with the columns themselves to excel.
Merged: Please add the ability to freeze rows in sheets
This discussion has been merged.
CONCAT data fields before uploading with Data Shuttle to Create Unique ID field
Data Shuttle needs a unique ID when merging data. Sometimes there is not a single field in the data that we are trying to upload that is unique, but a combination of multiple fields can create a unique ID. There should be a way to CONCAT multiple text strings prior to the data being processed in Data Shuttle.
Reply to a comment without @ should send notification
When person A enters a comment on a row and person B types a reply, no notification is sent to person A unless the @ feature is used in the reply comment. Most people do not know this -- the expectation when you reply to someone's comment is that a notification will be sent since you are replying directly to their comment.…
Programatically Collapse All Rows Through the API
Idea: A single command that can be used to collapse all in a smartsheet through the API. How is this done today? by running another script to identify each parent row and then send a command of expand=false. It certainly works but it's not clean or easy. A single command to collapse the entire sheet is needed. Why is this…
Print Generated Documents
Can we add the option to print a sheet after a document has been added? It would be setup that same was as "checking" a generated box which would trigger that document to be printed.
Better Sorting for Sheet Summary Report
If you have several dates listed in the sheet summary on a project, then you can have an option for those to be pulled onto the sheet summary report not in a row, but all in one column? Then you can sort by the date and it will actually make them go in order? Instead of a row of dates, it would be a sortable column of…
Prevent users unsubscribing from automation workflows
It should be possible to prevent users unsubscribing from workflows as these can form part of a process notifying users or work/tasks etc. These users have been setup, they have not subscribed so they should not be able to unsubscribe.