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Conditional formatting for dates that are X amount of time in the past


I have a sheet where I would like one column of dates to be conditionally formatted to show if the date is greater than 5 years in the past. For example, once a record is greater than 5 years old then it must be archived. We would like to easily see when this occurs or be able to create a workflow to move them to another sheet.

Currently there is only a function for "in the past" without any way to add to the formula how far in the past. It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to set parameters on past dates.

11 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • Pam Grant
    Pam Grant ✭✭
    edited 06/28/22

    Idea: I need to highlight the cell if it is more than X days old.


    Currently, we can format if the cell date is in the next X days or in the past X days.

    I don't want to create a new column that subtracts today from the recorded date to get a number for conditional formatting.

  • Arundhati
    Arundhati ✭✭✭

    I agree with this. Added flexibility for conditional formatting will be very useful, especially with dates.

  • crioux
    crioux ✭✭

    Just pinging this idea. There was an archived suggestion for this in 2016. Seems odd this hasn't been implemented given it's easy to do an automation for items more than x days in the past.