✨ Smartsheet ENGAGE 2023 delivers style, efficiency, and scale
We’ve been sharing updates from ENGAGE and we couldn’t be more excited to share some of the innovations unveiled during the keynote. Get the complete list by visiting the recent blog post by Ben Canning, SVP of Product Management. Here are some highlights on the innovations that will help you better plan, do, and scale…
Smartsheet Forward Q2 2024: New ways to unlock actionable insights
Hey Smartsheet Community, It’s with great excitement that I get to share with you a number of product enhancements we’re rolling out that will make it easier to uncover, view, and understand the actionable insights in your data. That way, you can better align resources and stakeholders and more easily make smart decisions…
Save the Date - ENGAGE Seattle coming Oct 8-10, 2024
Hello, Last month we saw many of you at ENGAGE London and we're excited to see many more of you at ENGAGE Seattle. Join other Smartsheet experts and users to tackle your most pressing project, process, and program hurdles and bring solutions back to your organization. We’re planning for another jam-packed event full of…
Smartsheet named Community of the Year!
Hello, I’m happy to share that our Smartsheet Community has been named Community of the Year in the Super Forum Customer Awards 2024. Super Forum 2024 marks the 14th year of this annual conference by Higher Logic hosted in National Harbor, MD. With Higher Logic representing over 350K online communities – this recognition…
Smartsheet オンラインユーザー会を7/25に開催します!
Smartsheet の活用体験をユーザーの皆さんと共有する場『Smartsheet ユーザー会』をオンラインで開催いたします。今回のユーザー会では、エンバーポイント株式会社様に Smartsheet の活用事例をご紹介頂きます。皆さんのご参加お待ちしております! 日時:2024年7月25日(木)14:00−15:00 詳細はこちら:http://bit.ly/3xK8p4L
📢 Introducing AI for the Smartsheet platform
Hello Community, We couldn’t be more excited to share with you how Smartsheet AI-powered capabilities will revolutionize the way you work. If you missed my previous announcement and today's event, Putting AI to work: What's next for Smartsheet, you can watch the recording here. Discover how Smartsheet AI-powered…
Smartsheet Community 様 この度、弊社が展開する数々の製品機能の強化について、皆様に共有できることを大変うれしく思います。データからの実用的なインサイトの発見、表示、理解を、より簡単に行えるようにする機能強化です。これにより、リソースと関係者の間をより適切に調整し、Smartsheetで行われる作業についての意思決定を、より賢明に下すことができるようになります。 AIから新しいビューとリソース管理まで — チームのこれまでの活動状況と、近々皆様に何をお届けできるについてご説明します。…
Smartsheet Forward Q2 2024: Neue Wege zur Gewinnung verwertbarer Erkenntnisse
Hallo Smartsheet Community, wir freuen uns immens Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass wir mehrere Produktverbesserungen einführen, die es Ihnen erleichtern werden, die verwertbaren Erkenntnisse in Ihren Daten aufzudecken, anzuzeigen und zu verstehen. Dadurch können Sie Ressourcen und Interessengruppen besser aufeinander…
Smartsheet Forward T2 2024: Nuevas formas de desbloquear perspectivas para la acción
Buen día, Smartsheet Community: Con gran entusiasmo, puedo compartir una serie de mejoras de producto que estamos implementando, lo que hará que sea más fácil descubrir, ver y entender las perspectivas para llevar sus datos a la acción. De esta manera, puede lograr una mejor alineación de los recursos y las partes…
Smartsheet Forward Q1 2024: Making work smoother, more intuitive, and fun
As we kick off 2024, many of you have been reflecting on your goals for the new year, and at Smartsheet we’ve been actively working on a whole bunch of new capabilities to help you reach your goals at work and to do so with fewer steps in Smartsheet. We’re also making features more discoverable, and making sure you have…