Smartsheet API linkInFromCell
Hi, I am trying to use the Smartsheet API to insert a new row which contains regular cells and 'link cells from another Smartsheet'. Currently, I can only do this in two steps: 1. create new row only with regular cells 2. add 'link cells from another Smartsheet' to this new row API call:…
Enterprise video?
Good morning, I did a search in the online videos on demand, but didn't find one. I'm looking for a video that gives a fairly in-depth look at what the Enterprise features are and how this is of greater benefit. Our IT dept is concerned that they would need to be our go-to for help regarding Smartsheet, and I'd like to…
Could anyone help me to apply the average formula to a couple cells, which at the same time had an "
Technical Part: I had in cell "[Q1 - Points]2" =IF([1.- Question]2 = "c) Right Answer", "10", "0") and in cell "" I had [Q2 - Points]2=IF([2.- Question]3 = "e) Right Answer", "9", "2") and both formulas work right by themselves. Nonetheless, as I wrote down =AVG([Q1 - Points]2:[Q2 - Points]2) in a new cell, the result was…
Exporting to DOMO - columns being read as Text not Number
I currently have smartsheet connector to DOMO to create reports; however, the columns that contain financial data come over as text because smartsheet's column properties are Text/Number. Not Text, Number separately. Anyone know how to make this work? or a workarond? Thanks
Deadlines on the Dasboard
We work with dozens of spreadsheets. When will the dashboard allow us to see a snapshot of all upcoming deadlines? Clicking on every spreadsheet is causing usage in the office to significantly decline.
Downloading attachments through API with URLs fails
When requesting to download an object, I get a "timing limited" URL of the form: https://s3.amazonaws.com/SmartsheetB1/*******?response-content-disposition=attachment;filename="*************************.pdf";filename*=UTF-8''*************************.pdf&Signature=*********=&Expires=********&AWSAccessKeyId=***************…
printing of reports
hi..it looks that the printingioption and other indent icon have disappeared after an update today...do you have the same issue ?
SmartSheet Forms - Populate with web data at submission
SmartSheet API's make it easy to interact with data coming OUT OF SmartSheet. Is it possible to capture web data (in particular from a URL) to prepopulate certain values? Use case: Survey - user is logged in and is responding to a survey based on an item they are viewing. Need to capture user details (User ID, First Name,…
Smartsheet Developers
The reason I purchased Smartsheet is because I'm overworked and understaffed. I simply don't have time to build all the sheets I might need. How can I find a veteran user or developer to help me create what I need?
real examples and projects
Hi, Are there real examples or projects that are built on smartsheet ? Thank you